Chapter 2

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Sugawara's POV

Unknown: Hey.. Uh, are you Sugawara? You gave me your number this afternoon

I smiled down at my phone. I had just finished showering and was lying in my bed while dinner was downstairs in the oven at a slow cook time. 

Me: Yes I am! I'm still so sorry about this morning. Takeda told me you ended up being late for work because of me

Unknown: It's alright, I was only late by a few minutes and didn't get into any trouble. Im Daichi, by the way

Me: Well, my coffee drenched scarf I gave you isn't much of a proper apology is it? Would you like to come over for dinner? I know its short notice though

Daichi: I don't want to impose, it was just a little coffee stain!

Me: I insist, if you like lasagna, I made more than enough

Daichi: You make a compelling case. Alright, 6 O'clock okay?

Me: Great! See you than!

Time skip to 6 O'clock

I was humming to myself, pulling the lasagna out of the oven and setting it to cool a bit when I heard the doorbell. I turned the oven off and headed to the door. Opening the door, I saw Daichi stand there with a small smile.

"Hey, just in time, dinner will be ready in a little bit! Come on in!" I said, untying the pale blue apron I had tied around my waist. Daichi wandered in, looking around curiously as I offered him to sit down. He took a seat while I went into the kitchen to get some plates and toast some garlic bread to go with it.

Daichi's POV

Wow, Suga's house was pretty nice. Just a small little home but plenty of space for one to two people. I glanced over at Suga who was now in the kitchen, getting some bread out of the pantry along with some cheeses and spices. 

'Damn.. he looked really good in that apron.. Stop-! What am I thinking, I don't even know him' I mentally scolded myself for thinking such things. My thoughts were broken when Suga walked back in, two plates with slices of lasagna and garlic cheese bread accompanying the pasta. He set the plates down on the little coffee table right in front of us. 

"Heh.. sorry, might seem strange that I don't really have a proper dining room table space. I just, never really needed one since, well I'm by myself and the space that is supposed to be the dining room I use for an office and extra storage and stuff." He rambled on a bit nervous sounding. I smiled faintly, taking the plate with a small laugh.

"Hey it's okay I understand. I don't mind at all. Thanks, by the way, looks and smells great!" I said, my mouth already watering at the smell. Suga smiled slightly, a tiny blush tinting his face as he sat next to me and grabbed his own plate. He silently watched as I took a bite, waiting for a reaction when I grinned.

"Wow, it is really good!" I said, mouth half full. He giggled slightly, nodding as we both ate and talked idly about our day.

After dinner, Suga took my plate and stood up. I wiped my mouth with my napkin before getting up as well.

"Let me help you with the dishes."

"Huh? Oh, no you don't have to! You're the guest silly, and I'm apologizing for ruining your shirt, remember?"

"Aw come on, it'll be faster this way. Besides, I'm now paying you back for such a good dinner." Suga's face flushed slightly red before he nodded. I stood by the sink with him, washing as he dried and put the dishes away. Also putting leftovers into the fridge. We sat back down on the couch with some tea.

"So.. what do you do next to crossing guard??" He asked, his lips gently resting on the edge of his cup before he took a sip.

"Well, nothing exciting. My other job is also kinda part-time. I work at a pool as a lifeguard and swimming teacher for kids." Suga's head perked a bit with a smile. 

"Oh? Well two part-time jobs is enough. So, you work with kids too huh?" He said with a smile before slowly looking away and back into his tea cup. "So uh, got any kids yourself? Or family and stuff..??" I glanced down into my teacup as well before shaking my head.

"Nope, no kids and no family. What about you?" I asked before realizing how stupid I sounded. I was in his house, and did I see any kids or wife?

"Heh, no.. not anymore..." He mumbled softly before looking away and taking another sip of his tea. I tilted my head, curious to what he meant but I didn't want to push it. We sat together a bit longer in silence, quietly finishing our drinks. After everything was cleaned up, Suga escorted me to the door. I stood in the doorway before smiling down at him.

"Thanks for dinner tonight. Maybe you should come down to the local pool in the evenings sometime huh? I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a tiny wink, his face turning a bit red in embarrassment. I couldn't help but laugh at his cute reaction when he shyly nodded with a smile. After I got back into my car and was headed home, I couldn't help but grin to myself after tonight.

The New Crossing GuardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora