yessssss i knew it

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P- (stares at jay from afar )

Jay- (looks around at everyone besides
Paige )

Paige walks up to jay and stands in front of him with a smile on her face 

Jay- I'm so so sorry for every-

Paige cuts him off by kissing him on the lips . He grabs her waist and she puts her arms around his neck and their lips move in sync with each other.  Everyone's starts clapping and yelling and they soon break apart from each other with big smiles on their face .

P-  I have always had a crush on you but I was to afraid to tell you

Jay-( smiles ) I dont know what to say

Amaya - how about you asked her out ?

Jay- right sorry,  so paige will you be my gf?

P-  (frowns)

Jay- what's wrong ?

P- (smiles)  gotcha , I will love to be your girlfriend.

Jay and paige hugs each other while everyone else claps .

T- no this is not how it was suspose to go

Amaya - well too bad maybe nextime you will think twice about telling someone's secret

Everyone continues to party and gave fun while taylor stands in the corner staring at paige and jay

The next morning

Everyone besides paige and jay are downstairs eating breakfast

Amaya- okay who wants to go and get Paige and jay ?

Jg-  yeah not it

M-  not it

A-  not it  sorry amaya you have to go

Amaya-  fine  but if I see anything I'm gonna be scarred for life

Amaya goes up stairs to their room and knocks in the door .noone answers  so she walks in to this

Amaya-  aww ( slaps paige's ass really hard )

P- (shoots up and screams )

Jay-  (wakes up ) wtf is wrong

Amaya- uh I didnt know it was gonna hurt that hard I'm sorry i was just trying to wake you guys up for breakfast ( says while walking away slowly)

P-  well you better run

Amaya  takes off downstairs and runs to the kitchen . Paige comes down behind her and follows her in the kitchen . Amaya runs in between everyone screaming sorry . Eventually jay comes down and when amaya  runs pass him with paige behind her he grabs paige and mikey grabs amaya to stop her

M- ( grabs amaya) okay what is going on here ?

Jay- (with paige in his arms ) amaya came upstairs to wake us up and she slapped paige's ass really hard and now paige is chasing her around the house .

P- I will get my payback dont worry amaya

Amaya-  ooooo I'm scared ( sarcastically)

P- you should be

M- okay now that this is all over how about we eat breakfast  then decide what we are doing today.

P- okay

Everyone goes to the table and ate  breakfast  .

After breakfast

Amaya- okay what are we doing today?

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