birthday party

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After everyone gets ready they head out the door to the store to get the supplies for the party tonight . ( they decided to wear sweats to go and get everything ) 

back home -

azzui- when are we setting up and when is everyone gonna get here 

jay- uh were setting up at 5 and everyone is coming around 7 . that should give us enough time to get ready 

azzui - okay 

when 5 o'clock hits all the decorations are done and everyone is heading upstairs to get ready for the party ( outfits in previous chapter ) everyone comes down at 6 30 to make sure everything is good and done . jay sneaks back upstairs to decorate his and paige's room for her birthday .

p- have you guys seen jay , i need to tell him something but i cant find him 

azzui- uh no i haven't but come dance with me , im sure he will show up sometime 

a couple of minutes pass by and comes back down . he spots paige in the kitchen by the drinks and goes to her . 

p- where were you ?

js- i was handling something for later on . come on lets dance 

after hours of drinking and dancing everyone makes their way home by ubers and upstairs by their girlfriend or boyfriend . even though paige is wasted along with jalen  he still tries to surprise her with the room . as she walks in she sees balloons , and chocolate all around with a teddy bear and petals on the bed .  she turns around and kisses him making him kiss her back and back her to the bed . they fall on the bed with jalen on top . he goes down to her neck pulling her shirt off and leaving a trail of hickies down to her navel . she flips them over pulling off his shirt and returning the favor of hickies . they continue to kiss until  paige catches a headache from drinking . they decide to just go to sleep after the headache did not go away.

the next morning 

azzi being the only one that didnt drink a lot , is the first one help and in the kitchen to make breakfast . everyone soon follows leaving paige and jalen being the only ones till sleep .

azzi- what did they do last night for them to still be sleep 

jg- well here comes jay 

jay- good morning yall

amaya- you have fun last night ?

jay - at the party yeah , after the party no 

amaya- what happened 

jay - she got a headache and we had to stop . then she woke up this morning and started to throw up 

azzi well my famous pancakes should make her feel better 

jay- thats if she get out of bed today 

azzi - well you can always give them to her . after all it is her birthday 

jay- i forgot you guys do that 

mikey - what 

jay - if its one of their birthdays they have to be that persons servant for the whole week 

azzi- yep and if she doesn't come out in the next hour you have to take her this 

jay- that's fine because im not gonna come back .  but besides that were we doing anything today ?

amaya- not that i know of . i believe its a chill day because of the party last night. i do know parents are coming today so i think you should try and fix paige before her dad comes . 

azzi -and drew

amaya - oh yeah 

an hour and a half later and paige has not came out of her room . jalen suggs take her pancakes upstairs to  her and finds her in the bed sleep with the cover over her head .  he put the plate down and get in bed with her trying to wake her . when she doesn't budge he sits there and watches spongebob for 2 hours before finally going back to sleep . they both stay sleep for hours and the parents finally show up and azzi goes to try and wake them . 

azzi- guys the parents are here wake up 

js- okay ( shakes her ) paige babe we need to get up 

p- okay ( gets up and goes to the bathroom to get ready ) 

20 minutes later she comes out and the both head downstairs to see everyone spreaded out and food cooking . js goes to his parents while paige goes to the kitchen where her mom and azzi are . as she approaches them she sees a smirk and her moms face and realises that her and jalen came down together and paige is walking slow .

p- mom before you start we did not have sex . i'm just tired from last night 

amy- that doesn't explain why you guys cam down together 

p- because he was trying to wake me up but ended up giving up and going to sleep 

amy - mhmm

p- its true . now can we finish the food . i'm hungry . 

about an hour later the food is finished and everyone is sitting down and eating . but that doesnt stop the questions that are flying back and forth across the table . 

molly -( jalen suggs mom ) 

larry-( jalen suggs  dad ) 

molly- hey whats on your neck paige 

p- ( reaches for her neck ) uh 

larry - and you  2 jalen 

js- its nothing something probably bite us 

molly - down your neck 

larry - it looks like a bruise 

amaya - ( laughs and looks away ) 

amy - yeah i see it 2 . where did you guys get those from?

p- like jalen said something must of bit us in our sleep. i mean we do sleep in the same bed.

molly - but it doesnt look like a bite . wait , is it a hickey ? 


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