Chapter 20: Aide from an enemy?

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(Author Note: To clarify, the reason behind the chapter name is that the "enemy" is not Janus, it's someone still on the enemy side but going to help).

While everyone was having Janus share info, Gar was seen entering the history classroom which was currently abandoned.  Mark followed close behind.  They were confused following a mystery note.  "God this is like real life phasmophobia" added Gar.  "You played it too?" Asked Mark.  "Yeah but I'm no where close to Wade level wise" added Gar.  Mark groaned remembering Wade's level was over 200.  "Though I have him beat in Dead By Daylight" added Gar smirking. 

Mark burst out laughing.  "Nice!" He said.  The duo suddenly heard a crash making them freeze.  They looked around scared.  On the sound of hearing footsteps Gar got in battle position to summon Mark as one of his personas until he saw a scorch-marked injured Patrck collapse in front of them.  "Patrck?!" Exclaimed Gar.  The duo ran over and checked on him.  Mark noticed a signal tracker on Pat's wristband but it wasn't set to track everyone here, it was set to track Darko. 

"Help... Me" coughed Patrck.  The duo were reluctant since he's still with Shadowsteel, but Gar picked up Patrck while Mark contacted the Digimax team.  Everyone soon arrived along with Janus as they gathered in the medical wing by Pat's bed.  "Why is he here?" Asked JP bitterly still hurt over Patrck fighting on the wrong side.  Janus looked away sighing.  "You know something?" Asked Jack to Janus.  "It's what you all did, when Dr. V, Negastatic and Darko returned to Shadowsteel after the failed attempt at hacking, your friends at fault, Negastatic and Darko somehow got their connection severed" added Janus.  "Darko is repairing but at the moment you have your friend" added Janus.

Patrck groaned sitting up.  He looked freaked out.  "Gar... JP... What happened?" He asked.  Everyone was stunned.  "Oh my god... It's like what happened to me at first" added Daniel.  "And me as well" added Darcy.  "Pat what's the last thing you recall?" Asked Gar.  Patrck held his head then gasped. 

"It was your video, your heist one, I was playing it again... But something knocked me out" added Patrck looking at Mark.  "Last I remember... It felt like I was being electrocuted" he said.  Mark was wide eyed suddenly getting an idea as were Mat and Jack.  "The darkiplier ending" the trio said.  Patrck was confused a bit.  "I haven't seen the videos but I get what they're saying, Patrck there's an evil dark tuber named Darko or Dawktrap running around, he must've hidden in the ending they're talking about..." Started Will.   Patrck took a moment to process it but then hid his face groaning.  "Dark ego me?" He asked. 

"Yep, he's somehow controlling Negastatic" added Anika.  Patrck froze and got up quickly only to stumble and Gar caught him.  "No... No that's bad, Darko is insane, I wasn't supposed-" he said frantically.  "You weren't supposed to be with Shadowsteel?" Asked Janus.  Patrck looked away upset but nodded.  "Trust me neither was I, Remus forced me".  The team felt bad and looked at Patrck.  " Patrck... Since you're yourself for the moment... Maybe you can assist us... Tell us everything you know while being with enemy lines" added Hannah. 

They all let him calm down a bit. He looked immediately to Will.  "They know you and your daughter saw everything" he said.  Will was wide eyed in fear.  "Have they-" he started.  "No your teammates have hidden your daughter well... Even Negastatic and I don't know where she is and we're master hackers" responded Patrck.  Nikita and Safiya helped him get set up at one of the computers and Patrck exhaled before breaking into the Shadowsteel system.  "This will give more, but they are planning a huge attack here, which is why Darko, Negastatic and a bunch of others you may or may not have met are hiding... They're bringing the destruction from the inside" explained Patrck. 

Everyone was shocked about it.  "Wait .. Then what do we do?" Asked Amalee.  "My best option... Better mount your forces, if anyone else carries personas grab them, teachers bring them too, even see about getting your principal and vice principal involved.  He showed them files of members.  " Zolzar, he's Raef's rival... " added Joey.  Patrck looked over at the group.  "A lot of these guys can be taken down easily... But... There's a set of Shadowsteel members that are considered elite... The elite ones are what you need to focus on" added Patrck.  He narrowed down the files and left six open, one of them being him and Darko. 

"So Ldender and bean giant, of course she's partnered with her husband" added Daniel.  "You and Darko" added JP.  "Dr. V and Liza Split" stated Nathan.  "Strahd and Anya" added Meghan.  "King pewds and Lilith" stated Nikita.  Will froze seeing the last ones.  "Will what is it?" Asked Darcy.  They looked a bit.

"Caleb hell and Inky chi?" Asked Anika.  "My friends Caleb and Chi chi" added Will.  Patrck and Janus cringed hearing him.  "Sorry dude" added Patrck.  They gathered info but Patrck sighed.  "This sucks that we have to be enemies...." He said sadly.   "Wait... There was another we met... Ebony Marth... Why is she not in the files?* asked Alexia.  "Who?" Asked Patrck and Janus. 

"You mean there's no one in Shadowsteel by that name?" Asked Jack.  They shook their heads with Janus saying "No we've seen who is there, but no one named Ebony Marth".  The group got confused.  " That's weird... She acted like she served the team " added Ilene.  "Frankly if she's doing that and also not with you guys then we've got an outliar serving a different master" added Patrck.  "Another Jyns... That's not good" stated Manny. 

(A/N: Boom another shocker.  But now they're getting more info from Patrck as well as Janus.  But don't worry, things will soon draw down to victory.  Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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