Chapter 19: New Shadowsteel's flaw

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While everyone was in the base, in the theater class Thomas and Virgil had remembered something regarding Remus and Janus.  They headed to the HQ quickly.  The duo entered surprising Nikita and the others as they looked over.  "Professor Sanders... And... Professor Sanders?" Asked Alexia.  "Just call me Virgil to avoid the confusion" added Virgil.  "What are you both doing here?" Asked Preston.  "It's to do with one particular member of the Shadowsteel guys you all are facing, specifically Janus" responded Thomas.  Everyone was confused but Will frowned. 

"Snake face dude?" He asked.  "Listen Virgil knows Janus and Remus best since he used to be evil in the past so I'd listen to him" added Thomas.  Virgil rolled his eyes hearing that.  "We're bringing that up now?" He said.  The group looked at the anxiety side of Thomas.  "Ok... What do you know?" Asked Mat.  Virgil sighed and crossed his arms.  "I wasn't involved with this one incident, but... Our dear morality Patton kinda lost his mind a bit when he... Well for some weird reason turned into a giant frog".  "While Roman wasn't exactly helping much, Janus ended up being the one that stepped in to stop the madness".  "He's the weak link due to the bond he shares with Patton now" added Virgil.

"Why do you think you haven't seen him much this entire time?" Stated Thomas.  The group seemed to get the idea but Joey was in pain with Ilene getting the message that Hunter wants control.  "He won't touch the school or anyone in it as long as Patton is here" stated Shane.  "Correct, I think if we get Patton to help you you might be able to get Janus to sneak away and give what he knows" responded Virgil.  "I'm up for that if it can help" added Daniel.  He looked at Joey concerned before seeing him suddenly become Hunter who now looked more normal but still had demon horns, wings, and tail.  "You guys haven't fixed Lilith's curse fully?" Asked Safiya worried.  "No but we're closer at least since hunter looks more human" added Meghan. 

"﹩◎... ʊ﹩℮ ℘Ѧ††◎η †◎ ℊ℮† ʝѦηʊ﹩... ї'ℓℓ β℮ ∂◎ẘη ḟ◎ґ †ℌѦ†" added Hunter.  Everyone looked at Thomas and Virgil.  "Just... Don't make Patton feel under pressure, that's how he ended up a giant frog in the first place, he did it out of panic" added Thomas.  "Yikes ok, take us to Patton" added Safiya.  The group followed Thomas and Virgil back to the theater room before heading in.  Logan, Patton and Roman were seen chatting among themselves but stopped seeing Thomas and Virgil along with the entire digimax team.  "Well I see we have the whole crew here" added Logan.  "Do we have a plan to plunder Janus and Remus's defeat?!" Added Roman determined to fight. 

"Kinda, we have a way to at least get Janus" added Anika.  "But we need Patton's help" added Manny.  "Wait my help?". " yay I'll definitely do it... Wait help with what? " added Patton.  "With getting Janus back on our side Patton" added Logan.  "Oh yes I can definitely do that" responded Patton.  Roman facepalmed groaning.  "Clueless as always" muttered Virgil. 

"Listen, Virgil says that you and Janus are close as of recent events, so he's never touched the school nor attacked it with the rest of Shadowsteel for the sake of the fact you're on the school grounds" explained Nikita.  Patton and Roman cringed remembering the incident.  "So wait, as long as I'm here, he won't attack..." Added Patton.  "But with your help he could escape and assist us" stated JP.  Patton nods a bit in response and looked at everyone.  "What should I do?" He asked.  The group was thinking but Hunter walked over.  Patton shuddered nervously seeing Hunter.

The half demon then whispered to Patton saying "ẘℌѦ† ẘїℓℓ ℊ℮† ℌїм †◎ ℓї﹩†℮η †◎ ¥◎ʊ".  Patton looked down like he didn't want to admit something.  " give him space, I think it'll work better if he's alone " added Logan.  Everyone stepped out worried for Patton.  The morality side gulped before crying a bit.  "I'm scared to lose control" he said having memories of when he turned into Lillypatton.  "Oh god frogs aren't even supposed to be evil" he said covering his eyes.  Meghan was about to head in but Thomas, Logan, Roman and Virgil stopped her. 

They suddenly saw someone appear but looked like Logan first.  "Another Logan?" Asked Amalee confused.  "It's Janus" added Logan.  The disguise was dropped revealing Janus who gently hugged Patton.  Patton looked up and hugged Janus.  "I should've remembered that... I can't let them pressure you into the frog form" Janus said.  "Then... Why are you with them?" Asked Patton.  Janus sighed knowing Patton was right. 

"Those digimax boys and girls are here... Tell them I surrender" added Janus.  Patton looked as everyone entered.  "Janus...." Added Roman.  Janus looked at everyone.  "I can't do it... Not after what I had to handle... No more.. Remus forced me to join him, prove I'm not some sissy who was changed by the sides here" he said his voice cracking.  "And after what happened to Patton.... He would've caused more damage if he got scared enough" he added.  Everyone was stunned hearing Janus. "I surrender..." He said holding his hands up. 

"He didn't show his snake side once, that means he's telling the truth" added Virgil.   The team felt bad hearing the fear in Janus's voice.  "Then you better help us" added Jack. 

(A/n: It's a twist worthy of what I have planned next.   But there we go.   Anyway hope you all enjoy).   

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