Chapter 9: Return of Mercer

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The team was busy working on some info. Strahd mentioned something that Patton overheard and they learned that Strahd is going for Chris and Matt again. "Professor Dragun, Matt has started a d&d club for here.. But send me out, he already has worked with me before even though it was against both of our wills" stated Anika. "Take Preston with you since Nathan is still the most experienced one with taking down Strahd" added Nikita. Anika nodded and left with Preston. "Think we may have a quick chance" asked Preston. "If anyone can get him trained quickly it's us" responded Anika.

They found the room the club was in and burst inside. Matt was startled and fell from his chair. "Jesus who the hell" he started but stopped when he saw it was Anika and Preston. "Oh hey guys what's going on?" He asked getting up. "We apparently have some information that Strahd's coming for you and Chris again" added Nathan. "Wait, I don't understand wasn't he destroyed?" Asked Matt confused. "Nope we have new enemies and they brought Strahd back, where's Chris currently?" Asked Anika. Matt sighed a bit shaking his head.

"Chris isn't here, he's out sick currently so he's at home, but I REALLY don't want to be turned back into K'varn by that vampire" added Matt. "How about helping us" added Anika. "You might still have the wristband from before". Matt checked his stuff before pulling out this wristband and putting it on his wrist. He was unsure on using it though which made him frown. "You have someone you can team with though?" Asked Nathan. "I...may have one" responded Matt. He stepped aside and made a call a moment.

"10 bucks it's his wife" added Matpat finally talking. The others laughed in result. They heard some noises and froze a bit. "Fuck it's him" added Nathan. The duo with their partners turned to the door. Strahd walked in with Anya beside him. "Oh seriously the snake woman survived too?" Asked Manny. "And I'm now his partner, hand over Chris and Mercer" added Anya.

"No thank you, they're not going back to you" stated Anika. Matt had hid the moment he heard the door open again but someone came from the other side. "You and I together?" Asked Marisha. "Only if you're up to fight again" added Matt. Marisha kissed him and smiled nodding. "Of course I'll do it with you" she said. The duo looked seeing Anika and Preston ready to go with Matpatman, Lunarbeautyknight, Natemare and Hartattack ready. "Let's join" added Matt.

Marisha nodded disappearing before Matt came out. "You need one more?" He asked the duo. "Original plan" added Anika grinning. Strahd growled looking at him. "Fool, I caused your dark side to appear!" He snapped. "I know... But you don't control my life... So I'm not rejoining" stated Matt before waving his hand over his wristband activating it. "Help me out Keyleth" he said before the elf druid appeared. "You owe me teen bucks" added Matpatman to natemare teasingly.

Natemare facepalmed but ignored it. Strahd nodded to Anya who summoned a few minions to assist them. "Oh enough for everyone" added hartattack. "I'll enjoy this, and make it easy by you" stated Matt to Keyleth. "Probably cause of.... This!". She suddenly slammed her staff down and caused everyone to fall over. The others were stunned at the result. " I'm that powerful, and trust me we've had practice " added Keyleth.

"You shouldn't have underestimated me when you caught me the first time Strahd, but at least we get to take revenge with help" added Matt. Anika and Preston grinned and got ready. "Perhaps not, but at least I have all of you to deal with" added Strahd. They got up ready to go. "I could use the allies too, call it making it even for helping me reunite with my husband" added Keyleth. "We got this" added Anika. Preston nodded grinning. They all went into battle fighting back.

The group was in the way though so Anika smirked. "I'm gonna do a jump, initiate level 3, and identity switch Pandora's curse Antimatter and Everlock's curse Adrigal!" The duo switched immediately and Antimatter gave an insane grin. "тιмє fσя α ℓιттℓє ѕнαкє υρ!" Added Antimatter. "I'll join the fun, initiate level 3, and identity switch Phantom!" Stated Preston. Natemare soon switched to phantom who smirked. "I feel stronger then normal which is perfect" added Phantom. "Interesting, I think I have at least something right?" Asked Matt.

"Not the levels but one identity switch" added Anika. "Beauregard, the mighty nein member" added Preston. Matt tried it out and smiled a bit. "Let's try it, identity switch time to fight Beauregard" he said. Keyleth followed and swapped to Beauregard who joined the action. "I'll go for that" added Beauregard. She fought back alongside the others before Anika and Preston stepped aside. "I believe we shall give you two the honors" added Adrigal.

Mat got these dice out. "Time for a little dungeon master aide". He rolled the dice and Beauregard grinned. " nat20" she said. "Send them running" added Matt and Beauregard did just that. "Perfect, but we'll have to keep him away so you stay safe" added phantom. "Don't worry, I think my wife and I got it" added mat. "Hell yeah I'm not going anywhere" added Beauregard changing back to Marisha.

"Keep an eye out" added Anika. The duo took off with their partners.

(A/n: finally it's done. Here's the next part. Stay ready. A set of side missions are coming soon. And it's gonna get digital. Anyway hope you enjoy).

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