After Note

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Hey guys! I would've posted this on my page, but I know nobody reads those so... anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone for reading this book, thank you for the love, thank you for the feedback, thank you for the votes, thank you for it all.

This story and Imogen are so special to me you guys have no idea. I know I have a lot of stories, but I am definitely most proud of this one because it's the first book where I've used the 'social media' aspect while also still following a very specific storyline.

Also, please don't ask if I'll ever write another 13 Reasons Why story because I can give you the answer... No. I already tried to write other 13 Reasons Why stories and they just didn't get me as excited or make me feel the way this story made me feel. I know I'll never be able to make another 13 Reasons Why book like this one, so this one will be the only one. And that's what makes it special.

This is also my first fully completed story so I'm so proud of that too! Again thank you guys for all the love and support and I do hope if you haven't already, check out the other stories that I have on my page.

I love you guys so much, thank you for taking a chance on my take of 13 Reasons Why.


Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now