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After listening to Bryce's tape, everyone slowly fizzled out of the out-house. Justin was in the bathroom, and I know he was crying, I didn't blame him. I cried every time I listened to the tape. I know Bryce meant every word and that his apology was sincere. I just wish I could've forgiven him in person because I would have. Justin walked out of the bathroom and I heard him sniffle before he walked over to me. I was sitting on his bed.

"What happens to us now?" I asked him.

"You mean, like... all of us?" Justin asked as he was standing over me, but I hoped he would sit down. I hated being seated and people standing over me, it made me feel really uncomfortable. "I don't know." He said while shrugging his shoulders and I shook my head.

"No. Me and you," I said. That caused him to finally sit down next to me.

"Nothing has to happen. I love you." Justin said to me.

"How can you? Especially after what I did and lied about it... to all of you. Clay almost went to jail. I don't even know how he can look at me. I was just so scared, and Jess and Alex said everything would be fine... but I...-" Justin cut me off.

"...-Hey, hey. Stop. It's the only way I know." Justin said and now I was the one with the tears.

"How can you look at me and not see somebody... different?" I asked.

"Can you look at me and not see the boy... who let Bryce rape you?" Justin asked. His voice was barely above a whisper, but it made me frown. Just like what happened to Bryce is always going to hang over my head. I know that night at mine and Jessica's party is always going to hang over his head. I know he's always going to feel like he could've and should've done more.

But I forgave him a long time ago.

"No..." I whispered.

"So?" Justin asked and that's when I felt myself starting to cry more.

"Justin, I'm afraid," I said. This time I made eye contact with him.

"I know." He said. I wiped my eyes before leaning in to press my lips against his. Justin immediately kissed me back, but it wasn't a full-blown makeout session. It was just a couple of sweet kisses before we pulled away and I angled my body to lay down on his bed. Justin grabbed my waist as he laid behind me, and draped his arm over mine and I felt his head resting on my shoulder as his thumbs ran over my knuckles. I felt myself silently crying again.

We laid like that for hours.


I know Jessica went to Thanksgiving dinner at Alex's house, and Tony and Caleb came to our house for Thanksgiving, which I was really excited about. It does suck that Tony isn't able to spend Thanksgiving with his family, so I hoped that spending time with ours would be able to bring him some comfort. He even made tamales, which he has made for me before over the summer, so I was so excited when he said he brought them.

We all sat at the big dining room table. My parents at each head of the table. Me, between my brother and my boyfriend, then Tony and Caleb across from us. "Caleb and Tony, we're not a religious family, but we can say a prayer if you'd like?" Mom said to them, while Justin had already popped food into his mouth, which made me laugh.

"I gave up on the Catholics when they gave up on us, Mrs. Jensen." Tony said and I know by 'us' he was referring to him being gay, which is sad, aren't people of the church supposed to love everyone just like Jesus did? We may not be a religious family, but I've done my own research and reading into things.

Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now