Best friends?

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( I found this picture and thought it was perfect just except Uraraka it's Y/n the artist @ is on the picture I found it on google.)

Bakugo's POV

I have work so I woke up early. Y/n is sleeping in my bed with Kirishima. I rolled over seeing him cuddled up to her as she was cuddled up with me. She is drooling on my chest which is kinda gross but cute at the some time. Can't believe I love both of these ideas. Kirishima was more then fine with letting her sleep with us. We were talking one day about people we liked and turns out that he liked her to. I got up and started to get dressed leaving a note saying I was going to work. I walked back in to grab my phone and I had to take a picture of them. She had rolled over after I got up into he's chest and he's face is in her hair.

If only Deku did dump pink cheeks she would be happy with us and wouldn't doubt her self as much. Kiri doesn't have work so he is staying here with her. I gave them both a kiss on the forehead and left for work. There is a really big threat on the rise so big that Tomura has asked to team up with some of the hero's. He's group is not longer together most of them went to the winning side. So today I am going to ask him if he can fix quirks which I know he probably can.

I walked in the meeting room to see Tomura and Deku talking. So I walked up to him.

"Hey Deku how is Y/n?"

"Hmmm good morning Kacchan ummm I guess she is ok why?"

"Where is she I haven't seen her in a few days."

"I think she is at home resting."

"Oh really. God you are stupid."


"Guys guys can we get back to the plan here."

"On one condition."

"And What is that?"

"I need to call in that favor you owe me."

"Ok what is it."

"Can you fix quirks? Like physical based once?"

"Yeah I can. Why? Wait this is about.."

"Yeah it is so yes or no?"

"Yeah I can do that I believe how about after this meeting. Bring her up her and I can start surgery right away. As long as you help with this."

"Ok hang on lit me make a phone call."

I walked out and called Kiri he woke her up and they started getting ready. I walked back in the meeting and worked on the plan. I know I said that I wanted to wait after she talked to him. But him not even knowing that she was at the party and at my place just shows a lot so I will get her what she wants my self.

After the meeting Kiri and y/n showed up. Deku is still here talking to Tomura.

"Hey bakugou so why am I here?"

"Because the person that can help is here."


"Y/n l/n."


She looked at me pissed off I knew that that's what I was going to get. She walked up to him past Deku and punched him in the face.

"I hate you so much."

"Feeling is mutual."

"Why are you here?"

"Because I am here one planing a mission with your boyfriends and two to fix you."

"Hell no you are not touching me."

Do you still love me?(izuku x reader)pt2 (complete)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara