The Greatest Wedding (Pt. 1) - Tom Holland

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Hey, y'all! I'm back! I initially stopped writing this book because my crush on Tom had vanished (or so I thought) but here I am again, crushing harder than ever on the wonderful man that is Thomas Stanley Holland. So welcome back to the book, and if you're still with me, thank you!

A couple of things before we get onto this story: First off, this book has 1K READS?! Thank you so much! Secondly, requests are open, so let me know what you want to see! (No smut)

That's all, enjoy the story!


story notes: The story was getting super long, so here is part one. I'll have part two posted by the end of tonight (hopefully. Tonight is also the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy so it will be up by tomorrow at the latest) 

b/f/n = your best friends name

Bella Marie (Bella) and Alessandra (Ali) are your cousins. They are 8 and 4. 

"Babe, we're going to be late!" Y/n shouted from the bathroom, groaning in frustration when she got to her room and Tom wasn't there. Her aunt was getting married tomorrow and y/n was going to be a bridesmaid. The bridal party was spending the night at a huge Airbnb and Tom said he would drop Y/n off because her sister needed their shared car to get to the wedding tomorrow, but he was nowhere to be found.

"I'm here I'm here, calm down darling," Tom said, walking into the room with a chicken sandwich in hand.

"You went to Chick-FIl-A?" Y/n gasped. Without me?" She pouted, a fake hurt expression on her face.

"You were taking forever to pack and I was hungry! How much do you need for one night in an Airbnb?" Y/n didn't answer, responding only by glaring at the sandwich in her boyfriend's hand. "I got you your usual," the Brit laughed, tossing a bag her way. Y/n grinned happily as she opened it and unwrapped her chicken salad.

"Thank you," y/n mumbled, mouth full of her sandwich. "But," she swallowed. "We're still late."

"How can you be late when the wedding isn't until tomorrow? I've never seen somebody in such a rush to go sleep in a hotel."

"Bella and Ali FaceTimed me when they found out I was coming and I promised them I would read them a bedtime story tonight ." y/n checked the time on her phone. "Their bedtime is in three hours and it takes two to get there. I don't want to break my promise, so can we please hurry up and leave already," she groaned, flopping onto her bed.

"Oh well, that makes sense." He yanked her off the bed and she giggled as she was thrust into his arms and he pressed against her, brushing a quick but sweet kiss on her lips. "We don't want to disappoint the kids, let's go!"

The Airbnb was two hours away and y/n had been singing her heart out the entire drive. "You and I, we don't wanna be like them. We can make it to the end, nothing can come between you and I." Y/n smiled and looked out the window as she sang along, her voice so clear and full and..perfect. She was perfect and Tom couldn't imagine his life without her. He didn't know how he'd gone 19 years of y/n.

"Hey! Come on, I love that song!" Y/n protested when Tom abruptly stopped the music. She reached for the dial to turn the music back on but Tom grabbed her hand and stopped her. "Tom? Are you alright?"

"To tell you the truth, love," Tom said, putting both hands back on the wheel. "I'm really scared to meet your family. What if they hate me? Your whole family and all their friends are going to be there. If I mess up this first impression, they're all going to hate me!"

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