Hey stupid, I love you - Tom Holland

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"Harold Robert Holland, if you don't get out of my room right now I am going to throw a shoe at you," you mumbled into your mattress, tossing your pillow at Harry in annoyance.

"Harold isn't even my full first name," the boy in the doorway chuckled, glancing at somebody who was walking down the hallway.

"I know. That's how irritated I am with you," you muttered at the same time Harrison walked into your room.

"Well? Is she coming or not?"

"Harrison?" You asked, sitting up in your bed. Your hair was a frizzy mess, sticking up at the roots from being pushed around your pillow. "What do you people want from me," you groaned, flopping backward onto your bed. "It's literally two in the morning. I just want to sleep."

"We have something to show you," Tuwaine said, poking his head into your room. "Get up girl."

"Quarantining with you four was a terrible decision," you muttered to yourself, pushing the warm covers off your body and sticking your feet into the slippers at the edge of your bed.

"It was either stick it out with us or sit by yourself in your apartment for who knows how long," Haz laughed, handing you a blindfold.

"At least I would get sleep if I was alone...what the heck do I need a blindfold for?"

"So you don't see the surprise before it's time," Harry explained simply, taking the blindfold out of your hand, tying the cloth around your eyes.

"You divs do realize we have stairs, right? How am I meant to walk down two flights of stairs blindfolded and not kill myself in the process?"

"I can help with that," Tom, who appeared seemingly out of nowhere, answered, sweeping you off the floor and carrying you bridal style in is arms.


"Yes darling?"

"What the heck is going on?"

"You'll see," all four boys answered together.

Suddenly you felt yourself dip in Tom's arms, which, you assumed, meant you were being carried down the stairs. Two flights of stairs later, you were put down on a chair and instructed by Tuwaine to keep your blindfold on.

"I swear if you guys are plotting my murder-"

"Relax y/n." Tom removed the blindfold and a gasp escaped your lips. The boys had decorated the entire downstairs. Metallic pink and white streamers were hanging from the ceiling, they'd hung a happy birthday banner over the kitchen, and when you were told to turn around your jaw dropped.

Giant metallic pink balloons had been blown up, reading the numbers 21. The balloons were in front of a curtain of matching metallic pink and white streamers, along with even more birthday decor.

"Happy Birthday Y/n!" Tuwaine, Harry, and Harrison blew noise makers as they cheered and Tom placed a silver tiara on your head and draped a sash that said "happy birthday" over your shoulders.

"Wow," you gasped, covering your mouth with your palms. "This is....this is amazing, but why at 2am?"

"Because it's only 6pm in California." Tom brought an open laptop and placed it on your lap.

"Oh my gosh!" Your family was on the other side of the screen. You spent the next half hour talking to and catching up with your family before the need for sleep began tugging at you.

"That was amazing, thanks you guys," you smiled and handed the laptop back to Tom.

"Yeah! Happy birthday y/n! Anything for you!" All four boys mumbled at once.

"We knew you missed your family and you only turn 21 once. This was the only way for it to be your birthday in both time zones."

"Thank you, Tom," you smiled, standing up to give him a hug.

"Of course, love. Happy birthday." Time returned the hug and your heart cracked at the pet name.

You'd met Tom back in your Billy Elliot days. He, obviously, was a Billy, and you were a Debbie. Tom's Debbie to be specific. Technically, every Billy and every Debbie did a show together, but you did most of your shows with Tom. You were his first kiss for goodness sakes! It was a dared kiss and you were 13, but still.

Now, 8 years later, all thanks to Billy Elliot making the two of you hang out for 20+ hours a week for the better part of two years, the two of you were still best friends. Tom continued to pursue acting after the show, even landing the role of Spider-Man, which you fully supported, but you'd put acting, singing, and dancing on the back burner to become a writer.

"Thank you so much for this everyone, but can we celebrate in the morning? It's three o'clock and at this very moment, I want nothing more for my birthday that to sleep."

The boys laughed and nodded, saying goodnight as you began hobbling your way up the stairs. You were halfway up the first flight when you felt a pair of hands scoop you up from behind. "What the...Tom?" You raised your eyes at the brown-haired Brit, who was now carrying you up the stairs bridal style. "You know I don't have a blindfold on, right? I can walk."

"I know, but it's your birthday, love," Tom stated simply. "Plus this is part of my gift to you."

"How is carrying me up the stairs part of my birthday present," you asked, wrapping your arms around Tom's neck for stability. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Besides, who were you to turn down an excuse to not walk?

"It's adds to the....I don't know," he chuckled, shaking his mess of floppy brown curls. "Just go with it."

"Ok." You shrugged your shoulders and Tom continued to carry up the stairs and to your room, tossing you onto your bed, of which you promptly rolled off because his aim was terrible, landing on the floor with a thud.

"Ohmygosh are you alright?!"

"I'm fine," you muttered, laughing. "So your big plan was to try and break my face?"

"What? No. That was unintentional. My big plan," Tom sighed and sat down next to you on the floor. "Is that I have a confession to make."

Once again, you raised your eyebrows at the boy. "Ok...as long as you're not a murderer or something."

Tom looked at you in the eyes, dead serious. Oh my gosh, you thought. He actually murdered somebody? I mean, I'll still help him hide the body, but this doesn't seem like a very good gift.

"I like you, y/n. I really really like - no. I think I'm in love with you. I think I've loved you ever since we were 13 when I was dared to kiss you. I think I've loved you since before I knew what love was, but now I know." Tom's eyes flickered up to you, searching for an indication of emotion in your eyes.

"But I mean it you don't...that's fine too, I just-"

"Hey stupid," you chuckled, cutting him off with a quick kiss. "I love you too."

"Oh thank goodness," Tom breathed a sigh of relief, kissing you again.

"Now get out," you stated, shoving him towards the door.


"You heard me. I love you, but get out. I wasn't joking when I said all I wanted to do was sleep."

"See got in the morning, love," Tom chuckled, closing your bedroom door.

"Goodnight Tommy," you mumbled, already drifting back to sleep, not before hearing an enthusiastic "YES!" being shouted from outside your door.

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