London - Tom Holland

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This chapter is based on the song London by Motika.
Disclaimers: open ending

It's been three months since I saw you
Just a few texts here and there
I saw you're on a beach somewhere
I think I forgot to tell you
I found that list on my phone
Of places in London you wanted to go

Yn's Ultimate London Bucket List
1. Tour shops in Camden Town
2. Ride a train on the underground (preferably at night)
3. See the gardens Tom showed me photos of
4. Have a beer at a pub
5. Eat at that restaurant with the bubble dome thingys I can't remember the name of (edit by Tom: you mean Coppa Club love? Edit by Yn: oh yeah! That place lol)
6. See Big Ben
7. Make a palace guard move
8. Kiss Tom at the top of the London eye
9. Go through the Holland boys baby picks with Nikki (edit by Tom: NO. Edit by Yn: YES. Your mum already agreed edit by Tom: oh dear 🤦🏻)

Tom had been going through old photos and notes on his phone when he found the nearly forgotten list Yn had made not too long ago. He laughed when he remembered how adamant she had been about seeing his baby pictures and his heart ached when he thought about how she might never open the old box by the fireplace and make fun of him as she went through pictures with his mum.

Yn had always wanted to visit the city of dreams. She'd been to London for work, whether it be press for upcoming films or meetings for her clothing line, but she never actually got around to exploring the city. Tom promised her that once they both had a free period in their schedules (which, somehow, in their three years of dating, never happened) he would show her around the city. However, after the pair broke it off three months ago, it seemed like this was a promise destined to stay broken.

The breakup was...complicated, to say the least, though it ended somewhat amicably. The couple met for the first time after they'd been cast opposite of each other in a film in which Tom was literally playing a knight in shining armor that swept Yn off her feet. They hit it off from there and quickly became Hollywood's "it" couple.

After being together for over three years, everyone thought engagement was the next step for them. Yn did, both their parents did, all their friends were sure Tom was planning on proposing in the next couple of months, and even Tom himself thought the same thing. He'd spent months meeting with designers to create Yn's dream ring, corresponding to with Yn's best friend to make sure the proposal was everything she had ever dreamed of.

If Tom was being honest with himself, he really didn't know why they broke up. A petty little argument over something so stupid he didn't even remember what they were fighting about ended everything. The fight exploded and they were swept up by the heat of the moment, nothing left afterword but the broken remnants of their relationship.

Everything here makes me miss you
I can picture of us, still in love
Holding hands on a rooftop bus
I haven't posted any pictures
'Cause there's a part of me that
Still believes I'll bring you back to

Harrison and Yn's best friend B/f/n were the first two people to find out about the breakup. Tom and Yn went to their respective best friend immediately afterwards; they were the people the broken couple found solace in now that they no longer had each other.

Soon after Harrison and B/f/n, the rest of their friends and families found out about the split, though the general public was still kept in the dark, under the blissful impression that Hollywood's favorite couple was still together.

Tom and Yn were starring alongside each other in the film adaptation of Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McMannus. Tom played Malcom and Yn played Ellery. Their public relations teams told the ex-couple to wait until after the movie came out to announce their breakup. Their characters had an on screen romance and the couples off screen romance already drew more attraction to the film so having them break up before it came out would be terrible publicity.

The film wrapped before they broke up but they were in the middle of the press tour when it happened, meaning they had to act like they were still together and answer questions about how in love they were for the next month. It hurt, but hey, they were actors. It's their job to play pretend, although whether Yn knew it or not, Tom still meant every word he said in those interviews.

The press tour had ended a little over a month ago when Tom found the list on his phone and the movie was scheduled to come out in two days, meaning his relationship with Yn would really, officially be over. They'd talked amicably during the time after the split, both trying their best to be professionals about the situation, but hadn't spoken about anything outside of their shared work.

Tom still kept Yn's carefully chosen ring hidden under a pile of socks in his dresser, hoping that maybe one day he would still be able to slide it on her finger and promise her forever. At the moment, he was walking around downtown London in hopes of clearing his head, although this was doing the opposite because everything was reminding him of Yn.

Tom had stopped by the London eye and was thinking of item number eight on Yn's list when his phone buzzed in his pocket. The caller ID showed him a photo he hadn't looked at in a long time, one of him tossing Yn into a lake last summer. Tom's finger wavered as he pushed the green answer button, his voice trembling slightly as he coughed out a "hello?"

On the other side of the line, Yn bit the inside of her cheek and took a deep breath. "Hey."

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