Roommates - Tom Holland 🔨

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Just to preface, you are a youtuber

You turned on your camera and quickly scanned the notes on your phone, knowing you had a lot to cover in today's video.

"Hey guys! Today's video is a life update because a lot of stuff has happened in the last month and a half and I feel like you all deserve to know what's going because I'm going to be in a different setting for a little bit. And," you took a deep breath. Partly for dramatic affect, but also because you were nervous to tell the internet. "I'm going to be explaining to you guys why and how I was Harry's model, and why you saw Tom Holland in the background of my instagram story."

You hadn't intended for the world to find out you knew Tom, but you were filming an insta story and didn't realize he was in the background eating pancakes before you posted it.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous," you laughed, showing your shaking hand to the camera.

"My school's theater department was doing a foreign exchange program and as most of you guys know, I want nothing more than to be an actress. The program offered more than my school did, so I signed up. My parents couldn't come to London with me because of my siblings so I signed up to be housed by a family. And that family........was the Holland's!" You smiled and did jazz hands for added affect

"They are seriously the nicest people on the planet and I'm so happy I get to live with them. I've only known them for a month but they already feel like family. My content is still going to be the same, but I'm not going to force them to be in my videos. You might see them in some of my vlogs or IG stories, but I'm not going to make them sit in front of a camera. Enough of their lives are in front of the media. I'm not going to make them expose even more of it just because a YouTuber lives with them."

You glanced down at your phone to look at the questions people had sent in. "Somebody asked-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! WHAT THE HECK?"

You were cut off my four boys yelling "CHARGE!" As the ran into your room and jumped on top of you.

"Hello youtube!" a small boy with a wide smile cheered, crawling off the dog pile to talk to the camera. "I'm Paddy!"

The twins had now crawled off you as well and were sitting behind you.

"He's Sam."

"And he's Harry."

"Tom, get off me. You're heavier than you look." Tom was still sprawled on Tom of your back, pinning you to the bed. Luckily, you were still facing the camera. "I was saying nice things about you too! I take it back. I hate to break the news to all the Hollanders of the world, but Thomas Stanley Holland is the most annoying roommate ever."

"Hey! What about them," Tom pouted, gesturing to his brothers.

"They aren't still sitting on me!" You shouted, flailing your arms in frustration.

"Will you take back what you said if I get up?" Tom was laying horizontally and you were laying vertically, both of you on your bellies.

"We'll see."

Tom finally got off you and you sat up, Tom sitting behind you.

"You're so annoying," you laughed, smacking him with a pillow.

"Yeah," Tom wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind and kissed your cheek. "But you love me."

Love? You really liked Tom, but it was too soon to know. But he probably didn't mean it that way.

"Maybe I do," you smirked. "But you do know this is going on the internet, right?"

"So what? Let the world know!"

"Really?" You turned and locked eyes with Tom, a serious look on your face.

"Seriously, darling." He grabbed your hands and held them in his, arms still wrapped around your shoulders. "I don't want to hide our relationship from the world anymore."

You smiled back at Tom with the stupidest, biggest smile plastered on your face, and he gave you a quick peck on the lips, resting his head in the crook of your  neck.

"All right then! There you have it world." Tom sat beside you now, arm wrapped around your waist with his free hand holding yours. "Tom Holland is my boyfriend!"

Hey! Haven't updated this book in a fat minute. Sorry this is kinda random. Had the idea to turn it into a book, but then I got lazy. Hope you enjoy! Unexpected part 3 is coming eventually.

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