Elevator Manners

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Nagisa was folded into himself, he'd have to build up his self-esteem once again!!!!

Previously his friends had been the foundation of his self confidence, but now that the possibility that they might be in question he just didn't know what to do.

He was scared, he was lost, but most of all he was fully available to be taken advantage of.

Which was unfortunate considering his mother had him in a stereotypical omegan attire much like the outfit his classmates had put him in, short shirt and all, but worst of all was that he was wearing an outfit (solely based to appeal to young alphas) in the most alpha populated section in the city!

He was getting stared at by many of them just passing by, he was embarrassed by all the attention but his mother was basking in it, "oh, baby, look how many of these pristine alphas that want to give you their care and attention. You are going to do so well, Nagisa, I just know it."

Though her attitude seemed encouraging the words still seemed to sting, like a slap to the face.

Here he was, her teenage son, about to have his body sold off and used as an incubator, and here she was gawking over the alphas that were looking at him with impure intentions.

Nagisa decided to speak up, not because he trusted himself to do so, but from fear of what would happen to him if he didn't, the situation he was in was very serious and dangerous so he needed to know how badly he was getting screwed over, getting permanently mated to someone he'd come to regret for the rest of his life is where he draws the line, "Mom, I'm not being bonded, am I? I'm not going to lose my virginity?"

His mother stood still for him to catch up. She grabbed his hand lovingly and rubbed over the knuckles with her thumb carefully, "of course not, dearest. I would never do that to you."

She gave him a loving yet condescending smile, like the kind you would give to a small child. She then straightened up with joy and continued to walk on.

He couldn't help but snort in retaliation, he found it horribly ironic that such a deed as to have him bonded was thought as unthinkable for his age, but to have him carry was completely fine. Nonetheless he was grateful that he would not have to play house with an alpha he had no feelings for, it was very difficult for an omega to get out of a marriage without the consent of their alpha. He definitely didn't want to be trapped pretending to be the typical trophy omega "every alpha wanted" when he clearly did not fit that description.

...well not him as a person...

Nagisa sighed and hurried himself to catch up with his mother.

"Here we are," Mrs. Shiota said with an excitedly nervous tone, Nagisa then once again shrank into himself, "now we're only getting you matched today."

This took a weight off the boy's shoulders but he was no less nervous. He would not have to worry about everything going on for a while. He could just fade into the void for this one. The chance of escape was still on the table, his week off school wouldn't stop until after his... final appointment.

For now he just had to worry about boys, a normal teenage activity. It was normal for teens his age to get matched, especially omegan teens, not for these reasons but still. He could still deny the situation for ignorance was his bliss. He could still hope that his mother would change her mind, because it is that hope that keeps him attached and letting go is so much more difficult for it is the very same hope, the hope that his mother would change that got him through many years without fail. He'd blindly trust her faithful if it meant she'd look at him the way she did at the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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