|Chapter 18 ~ Palace Of Lîxîlîa|

Start from the beginning

At some point I noticed a giant fish-like creature with a flaming tail jump out of the lake. The animal shot out of the water gracefully, its long silver body twisting in utter precision. A sweet breeze blew through my now dry hair and I smiled at the feeling of peace that spread through my entire body, warming me from the inside. I was dressed in a long white attire, fabric very soft equal to that of satin. The garment was already laid out on the bed when I came back from bathing and seemed slightly unpractical for my taste. I was however not going to disgrace Angelus' hospitality by starting an argument merely regarding my clothing preferences and accepted the dress wholeheartedly.

"It is time."

I yelped. The Lesphares from earlier stood in the archway, inspecting me with a cold stare. The male scanned my robes, probably contemplating if I was dressed well enough for the occasion, causing absolute dread to swirl in my stomach.

"I see you look more presentable. You will be dining with Angelus Duncan and lady Gandîla tonight so your best behaviour is expected."

I swallowed down the bile in my throat. I didn't know what to expect at all. Especially when someone as powerful as Angelus Duncan was involved. Nevertheless, Imdid the only sensible thing I could and followed the Lesphares out of the beautiful sleeping chambers. We walked straight towards the unknown, leaving behind the sweet smell of rose petals and flowers.

The dining area was a majestic room that looked out over a completely different setting to that which was showcased in my room. This time, rocky mountains encircled dark green forests that reached the ends of an already darkening horizon. A waterfall made a distant rushing sound as it snaked through the elevations and down the steep hill. It was late evening and the sun was slowly making its decent past the great mountain range, leaving behind the fading colours of day. The otherworldly shapes of twin moons started reappear in the far distance, reminding me once again how different Nova Terra was in comparison to what I was used to. That I was in an entire new world.

I willed my eyes away from the gorgeous scenery and inspected the dining area more closely. A long table made out of light wood stretched across the room. The floor was made out of stone, the material cold beneath my naked feet. The space had a different feel to that of my sleeping chamber filled with spring. Instead of bright colours, this room reminded me much more of summer - everything decorated in deep browns and greens. 

At the far edge of the table sat Angelus Duncan, looking up from whatever he was previously doing. He met my gaze from across the room as I walked in and I knew I would never truly recover from the power his single crimson stare held. A look that delved right into me, straight through my very being.

My eyes then widened in surprise. On the Lepshares' right sat a stunning woman with long black hair that hung down her back like a river. She wore a simple sapphire dress that reached her ankles. Long white sleeves draped over her elegant arms. Her hands were folded in her lap. Jewels and other precious stones decorated her fragile neck and arms. She had an elegant face with high cheekbones and marble skin that seemed almost white in the evening light.

I froze as my eyes stared right into her own unmistakable yellow ones and instantly recognized the dazzling goddess. The woman was - unconditionally and unbelievably enough - Gandila.

"Take a seat Artemisia." Angelus said, his voice deep. I couldn't take my eyes off Gandila as I sat down on the left side of Angelus. Shivers ran down my spine at how close I was to the powerful Lesphares. My skin tingled as small electric currents sparked through my veins. I immediately realized it would always be my reaction when confronted with Angelus' potent aura.

Gandila beamed, the smile illuminating her features in such a beautiful glow, I wasn't able to look away.

"G-Gandila?" I finally managed to choke out, the woman dipping her elegant chin as means of response.

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