fourty one

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you: bye im so stupid

akaashi: what did you do :[

you: i read atsumus messages by accident

akaashi: AHAHAHAH


akaashi: it is to me 😁
akaashi: how does that even happen

you: i was playing a game and i accidentally pressed on the notification box okay
you: what do i do though??

akaashi: did you respond or anything

you: well no.. he sent more messages after saying shit like 'omg you read my messages'

akaashi: uhh
akaashi: make an excuse up then

you: like what?

akaashi: say you gave your mom your phone while you were gone and she must of accidentally read them

you: okay cool
you: ill tell him that on sunday though
you: also hes hanging out with kenma now?

akaashi: yeah he is
akaashi: i dont know why kenma is with him but whatever
akaashi: kenmas too kind at times lol

you: i agree with kenma being kind he was kind to me on those group calls

akaashi: hes really sweet until you piss him off
akaashi: even im scared of kenma when hes pissed :o

you: whats he like? 💀

akaashi: well i mean for one he will diss you straight out for an entire five minutes
akaashi: :[
akaashi: but i still love him

you: simp

akaashi: yeah for bokuto

you: who youre never going to ask out when its pretty much obvious youre soulmates at this point

akaashi: HEAR ME OUT :[
akaashi: i really want to but like in afraid to okay.. and im sure its the same with him

you: what are you so afraid of? he wont reject you for sure

akaashi: because what if i ask him out in a bad way or how do i even ask him out in a good way
akaashi: this hurts my brain to even think about
akaashi: do i ask him out in a restaurant, a ferris wheel ride, a park, a beach, his room??
akaashi: i want it to be special
akaashi: but at the same time what if hes planning to do it to me

you: relationships sound like hard work 🤸‍♂️

akaashi: it is.. 😔

you: it would be cool to do something special but remember not to overthink it too much
you: bokuto will find it special no matter how you do it
you: whether it be an expensive restaurant or just sitting in his room he will still say yes and that is all that matters

akaashi: yeah thats true. maybe im just overthinking :]

you: which is a very akaashi thing to do

akaashi: :[

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