twenty one

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you: atsumu?

atsumu: OMI KUN
atsumu: hello (^○^)

you: hi
you: you seem excited. have you got plans for the day or something?

atsumu: no, i actually havent had any plans in long. if i die it will be because of boredom 💔

you: try ask your friends if they want to go out with you

atsumu: i cant

you: why not?

atsumu: i think they're busy lol
atsumu: BUT ANYWAY
atsumu: you can save me from boredom right omiomi?

you: no i cant
you: but now i think about it, i did say we could call soon
you: so do you want to call? right now..

atsumu: oh

you: is that a yes or a no

atsumu: well im not saying no but i dont want to call right now

you: why not?

atsumu: i havent mentally prepared myself 😤

you: i mean. all we are doing is talking theres not much you need to prepare

atsumu: OMI i've been wanting to talk to you, not on text, for sooo long so i cant just do it suddenly

you: im giving you a chance to talk to the guy you've been stalking and you're rejecting me? wow tsumu

atsumu: HEY i havent been stalking you dont say it like that

you: whatever makes you sleep at night tsumu

atsumu: omg im cringing about how awkward i would probably make the phone call
atsumu: gross .. (°_°)

you: im not awkward though
you: ill lead the convosation

atsumu: wow not to sound cocky or anything but you sound kind of desperate to talk to me

you: .

atsumu: say, omi kun, do you have a crush on me? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you: no .

atsumu: MEAN
atsumu: i should add that i have this really strong accent so you might laugh at me

you: why would i laugh at you over an accent

atsumu: uhh i dont know i just dont really like my accent

you: and what accent is it?

atsumu: kansai dialect
atsumu: im from hyogo prefecture and i moved to tokyo when i was quite young but for some reason the accent never left

you: i know that dialect! i mean i dont speak it but i have heard it
you: im not sure why you dont like it.. i think it sounds pretty cool

atsumu: thanks omi! maybe we can call another day though im sorry

you: its fine. whatever makes you comfortable

atsumu: uhh ill message you later then?

you: yeah
you: that would be nice

atsumu: yeah it would

you: bye?

atsumu: IM GOING TO DIE why are we so awkward all of a sudden

you: im not sure but i hate it
you: bye

atsumu: bye omi kun!!
atsumu: 💞

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