twenty eight

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(A/N bold writing = sakusa speaking
normal = atsumu speaking)

atsumu's heart was beating as he looked towards his phone.

sakusa was calling him. the sakusa that he had been talking to all summer was, calling him. the sakusa that he had been weirdly obsessed with was, calling him. the sakusa that he was starting to develop a crush on,

was calling him.

half of atsumu didnt want to answer the call because he knew he would die from embarrassment if it ended up being awkward, but the other half of him knew that talking on phone would make them closer.

atsumu loudly sighed in attempt to calm himself before accepting the call.

'hey, atsumu?' was the first thing that sakusa had said.

atsumu didnt respond. why? because he was too busy fanboying over how hot and deep the boy on the other side of the screen had sounded.


'o-omi kun!! how are ya— no i mean how are you. yeah how are you..' atsumu wanted to die.

'i'm not going to murder you dumbass you can calm down.' sakusa lightly chuckled.

'i know, i just dont know what to say.' atsumu sighed.

'i really like your voice, tsumu.'

atsumu could've sworn his heart stopped then and there. he was glad sakusa wasn't able to see how flustered he had made the blonde haired boy.

'uh thanks, but sorry if my accent—' he shortly was cut off,

'i think your accent is really cute tsumu. its heaven to my ears' the smirk in sakusa's voice could be heard.

'yer flirting with me, aren't ya?'

'i cant acknowledge the fact you sound good without it being called flirting?'

'yeah. okay thanks i guess..' atsumu felt awkward, he didn't know what to say.

'you're always loud as shit at school why are you suddenly so quiet?'

'i already told ya why on text omi-kun'

'do i make you flustered?'

'no ya don't loser, out of all the 987 people who have tried making me flustered, i would say yer the worst at it.' atsumu suddenly gained confidence.

'woah how do you remember all of that? are you perhaps lying?' sakusa challenged

'shut yer trap..'

'no need to get vulgar tsumu. i remember you asked about my work once.' sakusa tried bringing up a new topic.

'i did?' the boy was confused

'well if i remember correctly.. but i said i worked and you questioned me.'

'well, where do ya work omi-kun?'

'at nekoma café!'

'really? thats so cool! i've been to that cafe once with bokuto and the cats there were so cute.. i nearly stole one.' atsumu chuckled

'why would you tell me that dumbass i can easily get you banned.' sakusa deadpanned

'yea ya could but ya wouldn't because you love me that much.'

'who told you that?'

'i dont need to be told it omi-kun.. ya make it obvious. yer kinda obsessed with me, but it's understandable. alot of people are.'

atsumu could feel sakusas glare from his phone,

'i knew you were cocky, but damn i never expected that'

atsumus face flushed a bright red colour before he quickly apologised, 'ah sorry its a habit of mine to act cocky sometimes i cant control what i say or i dont think before i speak.'

'its a habit to act cocky?'

'now it sounds like yer judging me'

'im not, im just curios as to what you mean by that..'

'at school i've got a reputation of being cocky and i forced it so much that to the point where im naturally cocky if that makes any sense.'


'omi-kun, if yer going to judge me make it less obvious please.'

'i'm not judging you, i just feel bad for you. the way you act around me is different to the way you act at school.'

'yeah.. thats because i kinda like ya better than the people at school.'

'you kinda what? sorry tsumu but can say that louder' sakusa jokingly mocked the latter.

'im not repeating myself loser. in fact, i take back what i said.'

'you can't take it back. i've already engraved it into my memories. i'll harass you about it forever and ever tsumu' sakusa smiled.

'whatever ya weirdo.'

sakusa and atsumu had spent the rest of the day talking, and flirting, with each other. they spoke about all things, from their grades to sakusa even asking atsumu what he meant by 'toy' which atsumu replied to with,'use yer imagination omi-kun, i'm not about to explain this.'

this was until they were rudely interrupted by atsumu's twin brother, osamu, who dashed into atsumus room screaming,' oi you dickhead! you ate my ice-cream, didn't ya? i'm going to fucking kill you!'

that was a very obvious sign that atsumu had to leave the call so they had quickly said their goodbyes before atsumu went to argue with his twin over a tub of icecream.

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