twenty three

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akaashi: hey has atsumu messaged you yet?

you: yeah he has

akaashi: then why isn't he messaging me bokuto oikawa or kuroo?

you: im not too sure. i can ask for you if you want

akaashi: yeah please ask because it's frustrating bokuto for no reason

you: sorry about that

akaashi: you dont have to be sorry. its atsumus fault

you: ?
you: how is it his fault

akaashi: i mean, if your close friend stopped talking to you all of a sudden wouldn't you feel stressed. akaashi: plus he knows about bokutos mood swings so im not sure why hes making it all about himself and not talking to us knowing it will cause us to stress out

you: im sure he has a reason why

akaashi: there is no good reason though. bokuto literally feels like shit because he thinks he done something wrong

you: akaashi i understand you like bokuto alot but you are aware that there is two sides of every story right?

akaashi: i do.. but i just don't understand what we did so wrong that he has to ignore us like a plague

you: i dont either. but atsumu isn't petty and he definitely wouldn't stop talking to you guys if there wasn't a good reason as to why..

akaashi: he is petty though. i told you hes pulled this stunt before for attention
akaashi: its just hes never done it for so long..

you: i love you and all but you do know im quite close to atsumu right? stop calling him words infront of me because chances are ill end up telling him

akaashi: im sorry. i didn't mean to say anything rude about him infront of you. it just happened

you: yeah also behind me too. dont talk about him negatively either way

akaashi: i try not to but hes seriously just asking for it at this point

you: akaashi youre just angry.

akaashi: and i have the right to be
akaashi: the least he could do is tell us why...

you: dont worry ill ask him why.
you: just stop letting your emotions get to you. i prefer cool and collected akaashi not a sad and mean one, okay?

akaashi: okay..
akaashi: thanks i guess

you: you guess?

akaashi: thanks sakusa

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