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"So Yuges, wanna 'ave a quick duel before we go to sleep?" asked Joey.
"I wasn't planning on sleeping, Joey. Besides, Jaden looks a little tired," I said with a shrug, pointing to the tired boy trying to stay awake.

We were all sat cross-legged on the floor, looking at each other's cards. We watched in amusement as he kept dropping his head and then quickly waking back up for a few moments before repeating this cycle. Eventually, he gave in and passed out. He collapsed onto the floor, stifling a laugh out of Joey.

I lifted the boy and placed him onto his bed. I smiled down at the boy.
"I think he may be the next King of Games," I commented, before stepping back and walking towards Joey.
"You don't think that I'm da next King of Games!" cried Joey, shocked.
"Uh..." My eyes widened in shock. "It's what Yugi told me last night. You should really ask him."
"Fine! I will!" he said, pouting.

I had no intentions of hurting his feelings. I didn't realise how much this would upset him.
"Hey, Joey?"
"You're the Prince of Games," I said with a smile.
"Awh yeah! Joey for da win!" cried Joey, throwing his fist into the air. I gave a small chuckle before he grabbed his pyjamas and walked into the bathroom.

I wonder where we're going. MilleniaBug clearly wants us to go somewhere if she made us go on a submarine. But where?

And why did she do this in the first place? Well, she is related to Pegasus. But still. She could've gone after my puzzle.. why did she need Star's magic from Mewni and Marinette and Adrien's miraculous.

Is she Egyptian? She may have something to do with my past. I know. Everyone explains their story in a duel. When Marinette wins, she can have the information and have us going back to our normal lives.

Will Yugi remain dead? Will he remain with her? Will our memories be wiped but Yugi remaining in Marinette's head? She would be so confused. So would he. The last thing he would remember is duelling Joey the old-fashioned way. And I'd be here permanently. I might think I caused this... even though I did. I really don't want another mental breakdown as Yugi calls it. And what about Star? If we go back to our normal lives, she's dead. Or maybe she isn't. Time did skip in her reality so maybe she can go back to her life.

My thoughts were interrupted when Joey came out of the bathroom and flopped onto his bed.
"Ya might as well go to sleep Yuges," he said sleepily. "Ya can't go for a walk and ya can't go outside."
"I guess you're right," I muttered before leaving the room and going into the bathroom. I changed into my pyjamas and went back into the room.

Jaden was curled up in a ball sleeping soundly and Joey was in a starfish position, snoring loudly. I rolled my eyes before getting under my duvet.

"I hate sleeping," I mumbled before closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to overcome me. Alas, I was awake for another 15 minutes before it did.

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