Chapter 1

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Damian Al Ghul was doing his daily training sparing with his mother talia al ghul with Ra's al ghul watch from above with a smirk on his face as he saw his grandson fight his mother with fast and strong attacks

Damians POV

I was clashing swords with my mother when I found her vulnerable I took my chance and elbow her in the face then swept her feet making her fall on her back then pointed my Katana at her

"Yield mother you no longer can win this fight" I said with determination

"You did amazing my son I'm proud of the warrior your becoming" I put my hand out for her to take  and she accepts it and help her up we headed to grandfather when we got there he turned around

"Damian come too me" grandfather told me and I obeyed he told me when I get older we will make this world a better place then all sudden my uncle was shot then came enemy assassins with guns cowards attack us with weapons we don't have me and my mother fought the assassins below then an explosion happened were I last saw my grandfather at I went to go there but mother stop me

"You stay here I go to your grandfather" she said I wanted to protest but I didn't so o nodded and fought the enemy I killed at least 15 then reinforcements came with lady shiva our victory was near so I went to go where my mother was on the way there I had to fight my way there which I started to get tired but I was to determined to win I eliminated then all sudden Ubu came in front of me the tried to slash me with his claws(the weapons that are claw like I don't know the name of it please let me know in the comments if you knew what they are called)

"Traitor how dare you attack us" I said

"Pfft stupid boy I will be happy by doing the honors killing you and maybe slade might make me his right hand" Ubu said wait so slade planned this of course he was mad when grandfather chose me as his heir I'll deal with him next

"The only that's going die between us is you traitor" I said we fought around thirty minutes then he go tired and went down his knees the I ended his life with me stabbing him in the heart he deserved that I move towards and I hear swords clash against each other when I got there I saw my mother was in her knees and everything was taken away from me slade killed my mother and I see my grandfathers burned corps on the ground rage was now boiling inside me I attacked slade Knocking off his feet we fought for 30 minutes then he got on one knee then I stabbed him in the eye I was about to finish him but his assassins attack me and carried slade with him

"Come back here and finish it you cowards" I said then all sudden explosions was happening then all sudden I was knocked out with some falling rubble on top of me

3rd person POV

Slade look down now the destroyed nanda parbat base on fire and ruin he smiled and said out loud

"Finally I have what I rightfully deserved the al ghul line is now finished now I will take my rightful place as leader of my own league of assassins"slade said

Back at nanda parbat lady shiva and the rest of the surviving league of assassins that was surprisingly a huge amount Like 50 at most there were lady shiva kneeled down next to the lifeless body's of tali and Ra's al ghul they thought they have failed the al ghul line but they heard movement all sudden rubble was moved aside and a big boom was heard and there stood Damian al ghul wounded but still in fighting spirit

"My prince what are your commands " lady shiva asked Damian

"How many casualties" he asked

"too many my prince but we still have enough to keep the league of assassins running" she said

Damian look at lifeless body's of his grandfather and Mother and uncle was at the verge of tears but held them back because he did not want to show weakness

"Shiva I can't stay here not after what happened but make sure the league of assassins lives on and rebuilt nanda parbat in the name of Ra's al ghul I name you as my second in command" Damian said

"Thank you my prince what will you do since you are now leading us" she asked

"As my second in command I want you to rebuilt the league and nanda parbat and buried my grandfather, uncle and my mother I can't stay here I must keep moving until I return I leave you in charge don't let me down lady shiva I'm trusting you in this in hopes of getting us back on our feet" Damian said

"As you wish my prince farewell I hope you will return one day" she said

"I'll stay in contact with you shiva this is something I must have to do" he said and lady shiva nodded

1 year later

Damians POV

It's been four months since slade betrayed me and the league and killed my mother and grandfather I will not rest until I find him and kill him for months I been training to get better faster and stronger than ever i figured out the so called dark knight Batman on how he makes his batarangs and his suits an his equipment so I went to Wayne enterprise and even the batcave that was hard to break into but managed not to trigger any alarms and here I am  in jump city because this I last heard that slade is hiding in and finished the last touches of my suit and equipment and my own personalized batarangs with a red outline on it

For 14 years I was raised and trained at the league of assassins I'm the grandson of now the deceased Ra's Al Ghul and son of the deceased Talia Al Ghul who were Killed by the traitorous Deathstroke and I aim to avenge their deaths and the the many he caused at nanda parbat by making him my target and kill him for what he has done my name is Damian Al Ghul I once learned from my mother if I was to be alone in this world or whatever I must become someone else I must become something else I'm now also called the vigilante know as


(Quick note pretend that instead of that whol mask covering his whole head the top shows his hair and just like his Robin costume his cape has a hood on it and inside that mask just like his robin design mask instead of green it's blood red and he...

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(Quick note pretend that instead of that whol mask covering his whole head the top shows his hair and just like his Robin costume his cape has a hood on it and inside that mask just like his robin design mask instead of green it's blood red and he has a voice changer and his sword is strapped to his back if you don't want to pretend that's ok I  like this version to I was just giving you an idea what he supposed looks like In his suit)

And here's a new story I hope you guys will like it this au been clicking inside of my head for so long I need to make a book of it so ya and I'm taking a break on my other book and I need a new book to work on so ya do please leave a vote and comment if I made a mistake in this story please let me know and what you thought about this new au I will be updating again very soon see you in the next update.

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