Part 5

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Stiles pov

I rolling into my driveway when I saw the black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Which had me excited meaning my brothers were inside waiting for me.

Immediately when I walked in, I yelled "SAMUEL, DEAN'O!!" They soon came running out of kitchen to greet me with hugs "hey Mischief!!"

"So what have you been up to. Anything new on the pack?" I shook my head "only 3 people know I'm a Winchester."

After couple of beers and catching up, I hear a knock and I grabbed the gun near the table. I walked up to the door and opened it, it was the whole pack I put down the gun back down. "Stiles we need to talk and, who's car is in your driveway? I was about to say something then got cut off,

"Is this the pack?" Dean asked me, I nodded "you told him stiles! you swore not to speak, also who even are you?" "Well I'm dean and I already knew about the supernatural long before any of you were alive."

"As you can see I'm kind of busy." I said gesturing my hands to the eldest hunter. "No kid go out with your pack, me and Sammy are going to be here for awhile." He said patting my back and walked back to the living room.

When we got to loft threw myself on couch and groaned "what did you guys bring me here for, I was having some family time."

"We have a idea, we want to eliminate our biggest threat.... the Winchester's." My eyes widen, Scott is going to get himself killed.

"What's the plan." Scott looked at Derek and nodded to tell him that's his cue to talk.

"We think if we figure out who the 3rd Winchester and kidnap him, we lore the eldest ones in. Kill all three of them, it would be 3 against 7." I couldn't hold it in, I let out a laugh. They all gave me a weird look.

"I'm not doubting you or anything but those guys can't die they all 3 have been literal hell and then also died and somehow come back to life. And they won't be alone, it would 7 or 8 against 7" I was thinking of jack me rowena Charlie Castiel and my brothers. They would get as much help as help as they can get even if they don't like others helping them. They'd do anything for family. So I continued,

"You all are going to get killed yourselves either killed or seriously injured, Your lucky they have you on a leash you should be thankful for the youngest Winchester telling them your a good guy and convincing them not to kill you. Jeez but I'm telling if you go through with this plan, that's your death your planning." I looked around at everyone shocked faces.

"Stiles, how do you know so much about them, actually it doesn't matter we're doing it no matter what we can kill them and who are they gonna bring. Huh? Just because your fragile human, you don't what's it like to be werewolf that can easily take them down" I huffed my face was slowly turning black as I looked at him.

"Sorry, but that's your death bed waiting for you. Have fun pup. Now if you excuse me I have to go back to Sam and Dean." I was just at the door until someone stopped me.

" Whats Sam and Dean last name." I took this a perfect time to fuck with Derek "Derek I think you already have an idea of my brothers last name." He had a quizzical expression. "B-brothers?" "Yes now Derek you know what that makes me, right." He nodded I walk towards the door "you know you should take my word about kidnapping the youngest hunter. Your all going be hurt badly." I closed the door behind me.

Derek pov

Wow he's a Winchester, shit we need to call off this plan "Derek what was he talking about, what is he." I look around and spotted the two argents and peter shaking there heads as if there telling me 'no don't say'. "It was nothing but we need to call off the plan, stiles is right we're gonna die." Scott's face was priceless he looked genuinely offended that I took the human side.

" Scott is three agree with Derek." Allison said talking about the uncle hale and her father

Wait what did he mean when Winchesters don't die and all three of have died, came back to life. Oh they all have to hell. Damn stiles got it tough. If stiles is a Winchester why does he act weak in front of us? Who else was he talking about that would come with the Winchester's.


I was looking at him directly in the eyes and sighed "Ask him yourself, Scotty."

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