Berserk - Chapter 16

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They all watched in apprehension as Merem stood still in the middle of the classroom. Fear coursed through their veins, 'What should we do?' They all thought unanimously.

From inside Hotaru's machine Mikan began to yell. Her bravery increasing due to the increased protection she received.

"This is all your fault baldy!" Mikan said, her face turning pink from her fury. Iinchou was surprised as he had never seen Mikan so angry before.

Shocked Mochiage turned to the machine upset at the accusation.

"Me?! What did I do?"

"You didn't have to levitate her! I don't care if you do it to me, but Merem-Chan didn't do anything wrong!" Mikan said.

Hotaru and Iinchou watched the confrontation from beside her.

"Ok. So I shouldn't have used my alice, I admit it, but why didn't you come and stop me then? You're also at fault." He said.

Mikan could only gape, unable to refute his words.

"W-well..." Mikan mumbled out. All the energy deflated from her body. She looked at Merem with worry in her eyes. 'This all could have been prevented had I been a better friend.' She thought guiltily.

She turned to Hotaru who was also staring at Merem in contemplation. She was calm, on the other hand Iinchou seemed to be worried as well.

"What should we do?" Mikan asked Hotaru.

Hotaru continued to stare at Merem before answering.

"I'm not sure. All we can do is wait for the adults to arrive." She turned to Mikan, "And stop crying, it makes you look ten times uglier."


Natsume remained guarded against Merem. A hoard of students huddled behind him in fear, whimpering constantly. As they weren't protected in the machine like Mikan and the others they could only rely on Natsume to be their protection. Who cared if he was scary? Merem was even scarier.

Ruka looked at his best friend and back at Merem.

'Where are the teachers?' He thought impatiently. 'This is getting out of hand. I might have to use my alice, but I don't want to get my animal friends injured...'

Suddenly Sumire walked up right beside Natsume. Her voice was coy. "Natsume-Kun, so you and Merem aren't dating?" She asked in a cutesy tone. She twirled her hair on her finger.

Natsume twitched at the question, fire began to blaze in his hand quietly.

Everyone dropped to the ground and sweat dropped at the insensitive question during such a dangerous situation.

Suddenly Kokoroyomi spoke up.

"Sumire, I don't think it's good to stir the pot up even more. We're in a bad spot, and we don't know when Merem is going to explode." He said with a smile on his face.

"You make it sound like she is going to explode!" Student B shouted.

"Ehhh~ But Merem has the wish alice... She can wish for anything to happen." He shrugged his shoulders.

Merem watched the exchanges happen in front of her. She wasn't in control of her body. It was as though she was drowning in the water, unable to talk or breathe. She could feel her power surging beneath her skin.

She whispered out a wish.

Over the alarms and the whining of students a large explosion occurred from where she stood. The ground beneath them seemed to disappear. One second they were standing and the next they were flying in the air. They all screamed in fear when they saw the ground, but realized they weren't falling to their doom. They looked at Mochiage who seemed to be in extreme pain, with stars in their eyes. Without his Alice they would have become pancakes.

What used to be their classroom was now reduced into rubble. Everyone watched as Natsume took the brunt of the attack, he spat up blood. Students gasped in and desperately wished for the teachers to come faster. Hotaru's machine managed to hold up against the damage without any known damages, that was until a some parts of the machine began to break apart.

Fortunately no one seemed to be in need of hospitalization, except Natsume. Mikan got out of the machine in an attempt to reason with Merem.

"Sakura-Chan! Don't go- That's not Merem, you'll get hurt! She can't control herself!" Iinchou said in an attempt to stop Mikan.

Mikan turned around and looked at the damage.

"It's alright, Iinchou, I have the nullification Alice she can't hurt me at all." Mikan said with confidence.

Merem watched as Mikan made her way to her. The clarity made her regain a bit of her consciousness and control over her body again.

"Get away from me! I can't control myself!" She managed to say before she felt as though she was drowning again.

She watched in fear as Mikan came closer, each time to be pushed back by her Alice. It was as though all her wishes were releasing nonstop, from causing storms, and earthquakes to getting toys to suddenly appear and attack the other students.

She watched in mortification as Mikan got the closest she's ever been, only for her body to blow her away. Mikan could no longer take any more attacks. Natsume jumped and grabbed Mikan as quickly as he could despite his obvious injuries. Ruka carefully looked at the unconscious Mikan in Natsume's arms. His face turned stone-faced.

The teachers barge in. Everything felt as though it had been going on for hours but in actuality only a few minutes have passed. The wishes Merem was making varied, but as she was still a child she was still unable to control its strength and the size was not as big. Who knows what could happen when she did get older, as no one had ever seen her type of Alice in their life.

"Merem-San! We need you to calm down." Jinno-Sensei said with a poker face. In truth he was in shock at how much damage the young girl had done in such a short amount of time.

"Narumi-Sensei, use your pheromone Alice! She's a danger to the other students." He said with caution, fearing that any loud noises would trigger the girl into a new barrage of attacks. Unfortunately it did.

"Got it." Narumi-Sensei replied.

Hearing those words Merem fell into a downwards spiral. She could no longer control the beast inside of her. Booms, and shocks, explosions escaped from her mouth. She didn't have to move to have her attacks reach the others. All she had to do was wish for it. Her power reached to an all time high.

"Now!" All the teachers watched Narumi go towards Merem, ready to help out if needed. Students from other classes watched from outside the remains of the elementary division class, unknowing of the situation. Forces to leave the school in what they believed to be an attack on the school from people who wanted to kidnap alices. They didn't know it was actually a ten year old causing the attacks.

Merem saw Narumi come towards her, and watched his lips say, "Sorry Merem-Chan." Before she went unconscious.


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