Hades keeps in contact with them including Monster. His the only one who knows why he disappeared and since his faithful with his promise, he wouldn't even tell me why but he promised his okay.

"Well since work was stressful for both of us why don't we go relax?" He teased as he kissed my neck while I moaned lazily.

I was about to respond when a dog jumped on the couch, licking Hades face as he cursed before dropping me by his side and chasing after Midget.

His a golden retriever but when he charmed his way home two years ago with his tiny size and puppy eyes, he instantly became the devil to Hades. Stealing my attention, biting his shoe, barking whenever we're close to sex and it didn't help when we borrowed my sister's kids to satisfy his excitement. I know he loves Hades but most times I feel he loves teasing Hades and that was where the name Midget came from.

"Hey babe, are you going for the reunion Pain set up?" I asked and he nodded as he placed his head on my thigh.

"Yeah." He responded as he closed his eyes. "It's been too long, I've forgotten how everyone looks especially Forest."

I said nothing and nodded in agreement as I stared at the ceiling. It hasn't really been discussed on but I'm thinking on adopting a kid or two when the case with Hades closes down but that is when his free. And since I haven't been able to get anything on him except the existence of his underground work, it's going to be closed.

"Hey doc!" Joker greeted as he hugged me and I felt embarrassed when some of I could recall being a little bit shorter than me was a few inches taller with leaner muscles. "Surprised to see you here."

"I came to see Whitney." I said with a straight look as he laughed.

We were here on time and it didn't take much for the guys to start coming on by one. I exchanged greetings with Whitney who disappeared with Flames like Hades did. Seems they put the ring, a week after that graduation as Flames doesn't like to share and they have a joint business. They seem very happy and this was actually the first time I've seen most of them smile especially Pain.

Pain and Joker own a BDSM bars and some regular bars around the country and though they may talk like equals, it's obvious their sign of relationship is the collar on Joker's neck that has Pain's real name on it. The atmosphere was nice but it was quite sad seeing Forest on his own even though he didn't look lonely. Deep inside he was hoping that Monster would show up.

"Everyone is time for a special announcement." Lust said as he held his chubby son, Sora in his hands who hugging Lust's neck like he was scared he would leave.

"I know it's been ten years since we last saw each other but then this reunion was actually for a purpose. Let's welcome our dearest Wrath home." Joker said as everyone's eyes went to the door which opened and Monster stood with a navy uniform, coming in slowly.

We were silent as our eyes watched Forest who stared at Monster and Monster did the same. It was so silent that if a pin dropped someone could hear it. Forest gave a bored look as Monster walked up to him.

"Forest I..." The next thing a hard punch on his left cheek had Lust and White gasping as Hades watched in amusement while Ghost made one statement. "Intense."

"I definitely deserve that." Monster said calmly and Forest hissed as he massaged his hand.

"Yeah you do that's why I'm going to do this too." Forest said and then he pulled Monster to his lips as we clapped with cheers. "Now we're even and don't you ever go all Haudini on me, ever!" He warned and Monster nodded while we all laughed.

I really enjoyed the reunion no lie but it was time we went home. We all decided to stay in touch since our lives were strangely connected.

"Hey Hades, you both have any intention of getting a kid?" Lust asked as Ghost held Sora in one hand with his back leaning against his papa and he looked so comfortable like he was used to it.

I wanted to respond but was silenced by Hades large, warm hands wrapped around mine as his eyes met Lust.

"A kid or two wouldn't hurt and I'll finally get to see why your dropping your career for my godson. Just till my case drops." Hades said as pinched Sora's chubby cheeks who cooed softly.

"Yeah we will." I said with a smile and looked at Lust who kissed my lips quick before I could do anything and wrapped his hand around his partner's arm and they left.

"How did you know?" I asked as we entered the car and he started driving.

"You talk in your sleep when you have a lot on your mind." I blushed at his answer but that discouraged me.

"Are you sure about it? We can wait another more."

"And risk caring for brats when I need rest, no way. We're catching them while we're young." He said and I chuckled before I looked at him.

"Aidan." I called when we stopped at a traffic light.

"Yes love?" He asked as he looked at me and I moved closer, covering the distance between our lips before withdrawing.

"I love you." I said and he smirked while he posed with the wheel.

"I love you, Michael."

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