Chapter Twenty Eight

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I was at the roof of the school building smoking as I enjoyed watching three guys beating the crap after a weaker guy in class 1C. It made me angry how he just stood there, letting them beat him without a fight. It's true when they say the stronger eats the weak.

The door opened and I cursed when Monster came to my side, taking my smoke and throwing it on the ground before stumping on it.

"Why the fuck won't you leave me alone?" I asked as he kept quiet, his eyes glaring at me fiercely before I took another smoke and placed in my mouth but he took it out before I could light it.

I was about to protest when he grabbed me by the collar and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth as I held his hand tight, trying to break free from it. I moaned when he bit my lips as I struggled to breathe before he pulled away as I breathed for air.

"Stop trying to kill yourself! Your not the only one with problems." Monster scolded me as he grabbed my hand, pulling me close and tongue kissed me deeper, sucking my lips as I moaned before he kissed my neck.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I asked surprised at how my voice sounded as Monster bit my neck at my weak spots, leaving bite marks like a possessive lover.

I blushed as he stared into my eyes before he pulled away. "I love you." He said as I felt my face heating up more as I adverted my gaze from him.

"You know that I only like Lust and I don't any complicated feeling on me. I also won't agree for you to be a sexual replacement because I don't see Lust that way and it doesn't matter if he'll never like me." I said quick but clear so that Monster would hear me but he didn't release me.

"Then why do you avoid my gaze when you always reject me? Look ms in the eyes Forest and tell me you don't feel anything towards me and I'll leave you alone." He said as I met his eyes but no words could form when I wanted to tell him off.

"I...I don't love you." I said softly and he released my waist but I caught his hand. "But I don't hate you either. It's true that I like Lust and the thought of two effeminate guys together is weird but I don't care. I like you and I like Lust but I feel that liking you is insulting my love for Lust and I know that even if I confess to him, we'll never be the same again and he'll never talk to me again that is why I'm fine just being friends with him."

I felt my eyes tear up as I looked into Monster's eyes who was surprised by my honesty.

"I've done horrible things that I'm not proud of. First I killed my father when I was younger and then I killed Lust's father. Funny isn't it? I'm always killing fathers. When I wanted to tell Lust about my feelings, I asked him how he would feel if someone killed his father and his answer made me lose all hopes of ever having him. Even after all the terrible things that man did to him, he still wouldn't wish death for him but I used these hands to poison him while he was in prison. I truly am a pitiful creature, aren't I?" I asked as a few of my tears touched my hands while I stared at my palm.

"Your not! Your really amazing!" My eyes widened when I heard Lust's voice and Monster turned to look at Lust who wore a tank top and shorts with sneakers.

He walked in front of him and looked into my eyes. "Your not pitiful. Your beautiful and I wish you could see that. You think I don't know about your depression do you?"

"How did you know? The only person that knows is..."

"I've always known, I'm your best friend and a total slut and I've had sex with men who are messed up so yeah I can tell when your depressed. Also, I know you smoke, your not really so innocent, Monster talks in his sleep about you when I sneak in and..." Monster blushed as he slapped his forehead and it was kinda cute. "I also love you though your my only number two but my only best of friends." He confessed as my eyes tear up.

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