Chapter Three

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I was finally going to have a session with them today and we were given the guidance and counsellors office. It was large and spacious and could contain seven people with space inside.

I sat down to see a lot of sweets and snacks inside with books and textbook in the office. It had posters which were inspirational and life changing. I sat down waiting for lust who was always late for an appointment.

Finally he came in and his hair was braided across with a few let loose. He wore an off-shoulder sweater with a tank top inside which was so light and loose on his body. He had a thing for baggy pants and then he wore sneakers which matched his outfit. I noticed that his earrings were a playboy style and he applied makeup but it was light and made him look beautiful. He was really the definition of a beautiful boy.

He sat down and took a lollipop from the container before he licked it and looked at me.

"Mr Jeff was keeping I and a classmate." He informed me as he groaned and then he pouted.

"I won't forgive you till you say your sorry." I told him with a stern face before he looked at me and smiled.

"I'll think about it Lucy."

"I would correct you but I know you won't do it." I said as he winked at my answer.

"So Lust, tell me about yourself." I requested as he placed a finger on his face where I noticed his nails were painted black which was pretty.

"I'm Lust. I'm going to be sixteen next week. I love all my big brothers as much as they all love me and I care about my younger brother since his so shy. But, I love sex more than my brothers but they don't mind it. I like playing a lot and I give an amazing Blowjob." He said happily before he pointed the sweet at me.

"I also like it when the people I want always wants me back." He added as he brought the sweet close to his mouth then used a finger to slowly guide my eyes down to his semi-hard dick.

I wouldn't lie if I said that I wasn't turned on by him but he had to try better of he wanted to get me on him. Even my ex who was an escort before she met me tried harder than she did with her customers since I had self restraint.

"Thank you for the information. Tell me what you know about biblical killer?" I asked before he paused the candy he was licking and hummed.

"Why should I? I ain't snitching." He responded before he stood up and walked up to me.

"Why won't you? You could save innocent people that this psychotic person is killing. You could be a hero." I tried to convince him as he straddled me then placed his hand on my neck.

"You seem tense Lucy. Why don't I help you feel better." He said as he slowly traced his fingers up to my lips as he started to sensually grind on me.

I took his hand and then got him off me before I dropped him on the table and he gave me an unbelievable look.

"I asked a question not for a massage." I stated before he gave me a shocked look.

"Well I'd rather be the villain than the hero. The hero always gets the girl and he never fuck her but the villain always has women and his single. So I'm better where I am." He said before he climbed down from the table.

"I didn't get what Hades like about you but I final see it. Well good luck Lucy, you'll need it." He finally commented before he left the room.

I sighed as I sat down on the chair. Lust could take a step forward if he chose too and I shivered because I had a feeling he was holding back.

I checked my file to see the next one was Joker, the sin of greed from what 69(six-nine) told me.

Name: Tyler Valentine
Age: 17
Academic status: Average except in history and Spanish.
Family Status: Only child
Disorder: Fetishism, PTSD, nightmares, insomnia and masochist.
Cause of disorder: kidnapped and tormented by a senior at the age of 13 due to senior's obsession with him.

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