Chapter Twenty Nine

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"It's really going to be weird moving around school in a wheel chair." I said as Hades pushed my chair with his usual cocky smile on his face.

"You should be grateful your alive. You can't go around begging for more." Hades said and I chuckled while we walked the halls of St. Salvador Girls High school.

"I guess. Your graduation is coming up in a few weeks, any thought of career path?" I asked as he kept silent, humming in thought.

"Who knows. Might just travel around the world after all I have the money but I'm looking into business." He said and I hummed in agreement but kept silent when we stopped in front of the principal's office.

I looked at Hades and nodded before I pushed open the door and Hades pushed me in before closing the door behind him.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Gretel sitting on the chair as she was truth. Her court's judgment just like the beast was higher than the principal and she knew exactly why I came here.

"Welcome Mr. Morningstar, I've been expecting." She said as her eyes met Hades with a respectful nod then mine.

"Thank you. I'm also sure that you know why I am here." I said and she nodded with a straight face.

"I and the girls have discussed and we're willing to help you but on the condition that you will not tarnish the image of St. Salvador as the proprietor is involved in this case. We have discussed and we have decised who will be the knew head." She said and looked at Hades who had a cocky smirk.

"And I told you that I'm not interested." Hades said but she smiled at her brother kindly.

"I know you will because you know if you don't, you'll have to drag this case all over again." Gretel said and Hades hummed in agreement then looked at her.

"We'll discuss this later but right now, you have what we want." Hades said and Gretel smiled softly. She signalled for me to come closer which I did before she placed a chip and a laptop.

"What is this?" I asked and then she lowered her eyes.

"This is the system called god. I don't really know much but everything started with this and I'm hoping that you'll be the one to end. Also, take it easy with my brother, if possible, help reduce his sentence so that he can be free earlier as his not the only guilty of this sin." She confessed and I nodded before she brought some documents for me to sign.

I read the contract which was just like the seven deadly beasts contract. I wouldn't give facts that would have them appear in court or instigate them for holding evidence. I sighned it and then bade farewell to Gretel before leaving.

"I've always told that brat she's too honest that it's so boring." Hades complained with a yawn and I glared at him.

"Knowing you, you would set some stupid game that you can manipulate."

"Why does that sound like someone I know too well. Someone very handsome and intelligent." He teased and I chuckled.

"Handsome, yes but intelligent...I prefer the word cunning." I responded and he scoffed and looked ahead as we got to where cops were.

Hades was clearly uncomfortable in the presence of cops but he said nothing except glare at the ones that gave him a funny look as I dealed with them, handing them the laptop and the chip for them to confiscate and use for the investigation.

I guess this is where everything ends. I thought as I was being led away by Hades to the car but I felt Hades hug me from behind.

"Better know, I ain't dropping your ass when everything ends. Your the only hole that's compatible with my little man." He said carelessly but sincerely as I laughed at his confession.

"Of course." I said and I placed my hands on his hands around my chest. "I love you."

"I love you Michael."

I was glad the case wasn't over exaggerated and dealt with as soon as possible. Just as Gretel hoped for, all the people who was involved with this twisted religion were given a little grace even though they were sent to prison.

I've already filed for my resignation from St. Salvador since Janet is currently in charge of the school as the wife of Prescott. Though, Hades had more power as usual but he was graduating so the current sins had to chose successors who were worth taking their position. They didn't have to be them personality wise but they needed to have specific qualities.

I was sure who Pain of envy and Ghost of sloth were choosing but as for the rest or at least intended but I had no suspicion of the others and all Hades would say, you'll see in dew time.

"Today we stand as the seven deadly beasts to select our successor. As it's a norm that when the leader, beast of Pride is leaving, we choose someone who will fill deserves to take over and we have come to a decision." Hades announced in his matrimonial cap without the gown as he didn't want to look ridiculous.

He started to call code names and I was surprised when I saw Lust, Joker and Forest. Mostly Forest. It turns out you can't replace the others unless their generation but Forest was beast of envy and someone who was in the same class as Joker is their new leader, Pride. He really did give out the prideful aura and I trusted Hades judgment in their selection.

I watched as everyone graduating cheered and with that the ceremony was over as we took pictures.

"Congratulations." I said as I gave Hades the flowers which he collected threw into Forest hands and kissed me.

"If your going to congrats me then do it with sex." He said and I blushed in embarrassment at how blunt he was.

"I guess so since your going to Italy in a few hours." I said with a pout but he flickered my forehead and smiled.

"It's just for a year plus when I'm free, I'll call. That's why we have somewhere to be." Hades said as he threw me over his shoulders and me not being surprised laughed.

I really will miss this narcissist. MY PRIDEFUL NARCISSIST.

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