Getting the flower

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The next day

On the plane

They were due to arrive at about 11pm, lucky for them. While on the plane, Samantha sat beside some guy, while Samuel sat beside Steven.

Steven: jeez, your colour still isn't completely normal, she must've hit you hard.

Samuel: don't remind me anymore than I remember it.

Steven: you need to apologize.

Samuel: apologize?

Steven: and don't complain! You have no idea how lucky you are! Samantha may be the first girlfriend you've had that isn't almost as rich as you are, but she's also the first girlfriend that we can actually stand! She's sweet, funny, caring, and most of all, has manners and self respect. Half the girls you've dated before on the other hand, I'm not even sure they were still virgins! You don't just hit a jackpot like her and then let it slip. If you don't make a move, that guy will.

Samuel: I guess you're right. Wait, what guy?

Steven: take a look at who's trying to take a bite of your candy, literally.

Samuel turns to see the guy getting very close to Samantha's nose and making biting actions as well as making her laugh. He manages to read his lips and what he interprets isn't as funny.

Samuel: that son of a bitch! Did you hear what that douche bag just said to Samantha?!

Steven: no, what?

Samuel: when Samantha called him silly, he said he didn't mind being silly if you could lick her like candy!

Steven: lick her like candy? What does that-(realises) that pervert! Do you see what I'm saying? My girlfriend is a hot and crazy bitch that scares even guys that are strangers! You better go get her back.

Samuel: and it looks like my opportunity just came.( Smirks)

As he said that, the guy who was sitting with Samantha went to the bathroom. Samuel quickly followed and locked the door.

Mason: sorry man, but I'm not interested.

Samuel: good, neither am I. But I am interested in knowing why you're biting at my girlfriend, and wanna lick her like candy?!

Mason:(laughs) good one right?

Samuel:(slams him on the wall behind him) unless you wanna how "good" your arm looks like when it's broken, then you might wanna switch seats with me.

Mason: chill man, I was just playing around, I don't even like her I'm-

Samuel: I don't care what you got to say, unless it's a "I'll switch with you" or a "go ahead and bash my brains out" then you better shut up.

Mason: okay okay, we'll switch, what's your number?

Samuel: 36(let's go of him)

Mason: fine I'll go(unlocks the door)

Samuel: one more thing, while you're going, if you so much as look at Samantha (pulls out a pocket knife) it'll be the last thing you ever see, understood?

Mason:(gulps nervously) crystal! (quickly leaves)

Samuel: good(follows)

As they leave Samantha calls on Him as he walks past her, but he just quickens his pace and sits by Steven.

Samantha: huh, what's with him?

Samuel: maybe he realised that he shouldn't be flirting with someone elses girl(sits beside her)

KND SERIES BOOK 5: Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now