Cousin siblings?

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The next day when they all gathered at Hyeldie's House as agreed, but when they saw her expression, they were starting to worry.

Imogen: umm, Hyeldie? Why do you look like you've just seen bloody Mary doing a manicure for you while you were asleep?

Hyeldie: not really. Remember I told you that my parents were divorced and that Nigel's Father hasn't been in contact with us for over ten years?

Samuel: yeah, what about it?

Hyeldie: My mom and my uncle are here. They got here last night after we left for the play. They're getting remarried to each other. All of them.

Samantha: that's great! Now both you AND Nigel's parents will be reunited!

Hyeldie: but that's the thing, they not.

Steven: Hyeldie, you're scaring us with how serious you're being. What's wrong?

Nigel: that our parents are trading partners.

Shawn: meaning?

Hyeldie: My father is marrying his mother, and his father is marrying mine.

Chris: woah woah woah! So like you guys are gonna cousins AND siblings?

Samantha: cousin siblings?

Keith: coublings?

Nigel: yeah, no. We'll be step siblings, but nothing is going to change. We'll act the way we always do. I'm just glad the family's all back together.

Hyeldie: I wish they'd tell us the full story though, but they want us to conclude this case first.

Imogen: then let's hurry up so we can come hear it(drags her to the truck)

Samuel: we?

Imogen: Hyeldie's our friend, we have to be there for her in such a delicate situation.

Samantha: you just want to get something to gossip about in our weekend girl chat.

Nicholas: girl chat?

Imogen: it's a girl thing, Don't stress your brain.

Shawn: let's just go. I asked Tamera for the address, she didn't want to go back there, but she said it was in Lacnore avenue, somewhere between No.29 to No.37.

At the avenue

Imogen decided to ask by passerby for directions.

Imogen: excuse me,do you where we can find an old lady who likes mediaeval trinkets with Scarlett eyes that lives on this block?

Passerby: the only person I know by that description is Mrs Gretchen Ross, but she had Green eyes, and she's been dead for fifteen years, she used to live with a niece that left five years later. Her house is still vacant though, because no one could find the deed, and it has a really unsettling atmosphere. It's No. 31.(leaves)

She got back to the others and told them her findings.

Samuel: she's dead?

Shawn: and had Green eyes?

Steven: that makes no sense.

Imogen: let's check house out, if the culprit had used it as a cover than there must be some clues or fingerprints or something!

Shawn: she's right, let's go.

But when they arrived at the house, they were shocked to find the house looking so dusty and unkept, as though no one had been there.

Shawn:(scans around the room) I don't understand, all the dust is real, no artificial additives or anything.

Steven:(analyses the glasses) and all these glasses have no fingerprints whatsoever.

KND SERIES BOOK 5: Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now