The truth

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Hyeldie's house

While Samuel, Samantha, Shawn and Steven were engaged elsewhere, the rest headed back to Hyeldie's house to hear the story behind the sudden appearances and weddings.

Hyeldie: everyone's here now, we can listen to the explanation Father.

Axel: I don't even know where to begin.

Imogen: you could start with telling us why you're marrying Hyeldie's Aunt.

Axel: right. Eighteen years ago, when our father arranged for us to get married, I had been originally been paired with Hyeldie's Aunt Melissa, while my brother Adrien had been paired with her twin sister, Hyeldie's Mother, Merida.

Nigel: then what happened? What made you switch?

Adrien: because a few weeks to our joint marriage, we hosted a gala and all got heavily intoxicated,coupled with the fact that we were all identical twins, we ended up bedding the wrong woman.

Chris: talk about a twin fiancee mix-up disaster.

Axel: exactly, when we realized our mistake, it was too late. We had to marry whom we slept with, no one really noticed the change since most people couldn't tell us apart.

Nicholas: I'll say, it's like I'm listening to two pairs of Hyeldie's parents.

Adrien: after we got married, we all began having problems. We couldn't get divorced because our wives had gotten pregnant from the mixed encounter.

Axel: so after they both delivered, we all agreed that we would wait until the two of you were at least ten years old, before we separated.

Adrien: but we couldn't just get divorced out of the blue, it would attract too many unnecessary complications. So we decided that until you two were ten,vI and Merida would be the ones to spend most of those years with you, that way if we all got divorced, even you could deduce that it was because we didn't have feelings for who we married.

Axel: But after getting divorced, our families weren't pleased with our decisions, and since we had very politically powerful relatives, we knew that thy could easily manipulate their way into forcing us to remarry.

Adrien: the only way to prevent that was for one pair of us to leave Japan, since they can't do anything while we're outside the country.

Hyeldie: so you and Mother volunteered since you had already spent so much time with us.

Adrien: that's right. We came back because our families finally agreed to let us be.

Merida: we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but you two were too young to have understood.

Nigel: it's alright Aunt. But I just have one question.

Adrien: which is?

Nigel: if you and Aunt get married,and Uncle and Mother get married, who am I gonna call Mother? And who do I call Aunt?

Keith: I was thinking the same thing.

Adrien: that's for you to decide, you can leave things as they are, or call them both Mother.

Hyeldie: we'll think about it. I'm just happy to have everyone back.

Nigel: as am I.

Merida: enough about us, tell us what's been happening over here?

Hyeldie: that's going to be an even longer story.

Merida: good thing we have all day long to talk then.

KND SERIES BOOK 5: Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now