Epilogue - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Oh mi amore, keep going," I groan at the amazing feeling of his lips around me.

Suddenly there's knocking on the door and Damian pulls back and stands up. I turn the water off so we can hear them as Damian asks what they want.

"Your children want you," Luca says.

"Give is a moment," I say as I get out and will my dick to go soft. I wrap a towel around my waist as Damian does the same then I open the door.

"Papà can you help us brush our teeths?" Sam asks then shows me her teeth.

"Yes topolina, just let me put some clothes on," I say as I walk past them and get a pair of boxers and my sweatpants. Luca waits with them outside my room as me and Damian get dressed, me putting on tight boxers that will restrain my member.

They come back inside and I take them to the bathroom to brush their teeth. They each have a step so they can reach the sink that they stand on as I hand them their toothbrushes. Damian stands next to me as I put a little blob of toothpaste on their toothbrushes and wet them under the water. They both start brushing as me and Damian each get our toothbrushes.

When they're all done I wash their faces then take them to their room to pick out some clothes.

"What do you want to wear my little tesoros?" I ask as they stand in front of their drawers.

"I want to wear my purple jumper," Sam says and hands me it as Harriet looks though and gives me a pink shirt with a unicorn on it. I get a pair of leggings for them each as they take their pyjamas off. They put on their underwear then I help them get their clothes on the right way around.

"Please brush my hair papà, but be careful," Harriet says as she gives me her hairbrush. I sit on the little bed and she stands in front of me so I can brush out the brown nest of long hair. I am as careful as I can be as Sam sits next to me and plays with a barbie.

"Will you tell me what these are?" Sam asks as she touches one of my many scars.

"Not today topolina," I say gently. She keeps asking me but I'm not sure how to explain them. She also asks about the scar Damian has on his stomach but we're going to wait to explain that. She doesn't need to know about the evils in this world yet.

I finish brushing Harriet's hair then get a hair tie to put it into a ponytail so it's out of her way.

"Off you go," I say and Harriet steps aside as Sam takes her place. I do a quick braid in Sam's hair as a ponytail never stays in place.

"Now let's go see Daddy," I say as we go downstairs. I find him in the living room with Emilio, Domino, and Luca. I let the kids loose as I look at the picture of Enzo and George that's above the fireplace. It's a rare photo of them smiling that we got framed right after they died.

"Emilio's going to watch the girls while we go to my place for some privacy," Damian says as he stands up.

"Really? Thank you so much," I say and Emilio waves me off as Harriet sits next to him.

"I have these two to help me watch them, stay as long as you need," he says as Sam dives on Domino.

"Grazie," I say as Damian holds my hand.

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