Chapter 1

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I hate this moving around crap, but I learnt young that it was best that I moved around rather than stay in one place. I was on my own, no family or friends that could tie me down. That did not mean I never had one though..

I grew up in the system, never adopted just fostered in the same family until I ran out of the system at 14 years old. All I knew about my beginnings was that I was found in a cradle outside a fire station in the middle of nowhere with a note with just my name written on it, or at least they took it as my name, Blaise Luna Metis.

They looked everywhere for where I could have come from, it was a small town it was not like there were a lot of places I could have come from. After a while they figured that my parents must have come from out of town far from here. So I was fostered into the local family that took all the strays in, by time I was old enough to know where I was and that they were not a normal family. I was 7 years old and I was one of ten kids they had. They were amazing and I loved them like they were my real family, all the others too.

Over the years from when I was found the town flourished and grew in numbers and the town got bigger and more people joined the community.

People were nice and my childhood was filled with lots of good memories, but things were not always normal even to my young mind, I noticed people bowed to others and there was this family everyone revered. What they said goes, if they told someone to change their choice on something they did.

My foster parents were visited by the woman in the family a lot, she came and played with us a lot, sometimes she brought her two sons with her, one was my age and the other was older, but my young mind did not bother to remember the age or detail like that. They were my friends, more than the others in the home, we played and had tea parties. Now that I think back, that was not normal for young boys to do but eh they were the best memories. I miss them now and then.

It all changed when I turned 14 at the strike of midnight on the start of my birthday I heard a man say "it's time our child, flourish and grow. Find your path and love" with that last word, I remember I screamed the most I had ever that night and everything went dark and silent. When I woke up I saw my hands were not hands anymore, they were big black furry paws as I flexed then sharp glinting claws came out, shuffling back I tried to stand to find I had four legs and no arms now. Shaking my head I felt shivers run through me as I sensed everything around me, looking at the mirror on my wardrobe. I lost all thought and breath and saw a big black--cat looking back at me.

I remember struggling to stand and walk but I managed it and sat in the mirror looking at myself, moving my paws up and down and seeing it was in fact me in the mirror. In fear I thought at the time I had screamed but in truth I had let out a high loud whinge-roar.

At the sound my foster parents had run in the room, coming short their eyes went wide looking at me, my foster dad at the time put mom behind him and growled at me. Yes growled, but he seemed to look in my eyes and he went slack and said my name. I remember the rest of the night they stayed with me in that room until I woke up in the morning, back in my human shape, scared and frightened about what happened.

They spent the day explaining to me what had happened and that they were in fact like me but they had wolves. Telling me that I looked to be a panther but my mum swore up and down I was a black Jaguar.

I was so happy in that moment that I was not the only one like me, but that burst quick as they explained that I was not like them.

They got fearful on how their community would react to me being different, as I was thought to be human. I had noticed I could smell them, they explained that it was a wolf's scent.

All wolves smelt like this, when I asked them what I smelt like they said I smelt like a human before, but now they can smell a wild scent on me too, it's small and if they were not looking for it they would not find it. But it was enough to scare them on how everyone else would react.

We spent the day in my room, my foster mom cried a lot and she was at a loss, they had figured it was not safe for me to stay there and it was not safe for the others to see me now.

My dad decided that they were gonna say I died that night from the fever and they were so bereaved they took me out to the fields that we used to have tea parties in and laid me to rest.

They spent the day sorting out for me to leave, they gave me a credit card, they said every month they will put money on it, and a phone, my first mobile and said they would keep it going on a contract.

They sneaked me out in the dead of night and drove me to a town over 100 miles away, from there I got on a bus and from that moment I have not stopped moving. Along the way I have smelt lots of different people that were not human but I have not found another scent like me this day I think I am the only one like me.

For a long while I stayed on the streets and stayed hidden, over time I controlled my shifting and spent a good amount of time in that form.

I had found a friend who had seen me in my cat shape, scared the crap out of him. Which was funny as he was a wolf, turns out he was my age, at the time 16 years old. He did not attack me; he was too shocked, even more when I shifted back in front of him. He was excited that he said he had read about my kind in his books at home, said I was a shifter. But that we were thought extinct.

Over time he and I came to be close friends, he got me clothes and some luxuries at the time. Like hair brushes and lady stuff, made his family worried about him for a while. So he told me I smelt so much like a human his family would not know different if I did not want them to know about my other shape

So he took me home one day and his mum and dad took one look at me and after some questions. Where I told them my parents were loving but could not keep me, slipping in that I knew about wolves, his mum always wanted a girl in the family but they only had my friend. His dad became very protective of me and I became a part of his family. His family were warriors in their pack, through them I learnt all about packs.

That there was the Alpha and Lupa, Beta and Deltas and warriors. Thinking back I knew who was what in my family home back from where I came from.

They managed to get some IDs made and have a job and I am 24 years old now, I have not used the card from my parents in a couple of years.

Over the years I had always managed to call home every week and talk to my parents, never missing a call. Sometimes they would call me, until one day when they were to call me they never did, when I called them they did not answer.

I was getting worried, after 4 weeks so after thinking hard I have decided it was time.... I went back home...... I needed to find what had happened to the only family I knew....

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