Chapter 44 - Trial

Start from the beginning

"Mi amore!" He says and hugs me tightly. I hug him back and smile as his body fits perfectly against mine. I wrap one arm around his middle and the other runs through his hair as he burries his head in the crook of my neck. I go to let go of him but he tightens his hold and mumbles something.

"What was that?" I ask and he lifts his head to repeat.

"Just a little longer," he says and hugs me tighter. 

"Okay," I say with a smile. His cousins wait for their turn to hug him as they all watch amused as Vinny won't let go of me. I slowly pry him off me and he's engulfed by Luca and Gio who both hug him tightly.

"You're finally out! You missed out on so many jokes!" Luca says as he hugs his cousin.

Everyone takes their turns to hug him and then he stands very close to my side again.

"Let's go home," he says and I hold his hand as we go to Marcus' car who's dropping us off at home.

Vinny sits in the middle seat and won't let go of my hand on the drive home. Him and Cole make the most out of their time together and chat about everything they can as Vinny leans his head against my shoulder. I can't help but smile at him, he's back at home with me. I don't have to wait a whole week to see him again. He'll be in bed with me.

We get dropped off at the mansion as everyone else gets there just before us. We go inside after we thank Marcus for the lift and go to the living room.

"So what have I missed?" He asks as he sits on the couch and pulls me down with him. He wraps my arm around him as he opens the small bag to take out his stuff.

"Nothing really, everyone stayed back as you were in prison because they knew you were getting back out," Emilio says.

"That is good. I did my job well then," he smiles. He frowns when he takes his collar out of the bag and sees it cut. "I am sorry," he says.

"Don't be sorry, I'll get you a new one. Do you still have your ring?" I ask and he slips it on his finger.

"Sì, thankfully," he says. I hold his hand and kiss the ring which makes him smile at me.

"Ugh enough of the sweetness," Enzo says as he pretends to gag as George raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend.

"We are like that when we are alone," George says and Enzo hits his arm. Vinny lets out a laugh and leans against my side more.

"It's getting late, why don't you two go to bed and catch up and we can see you tomorrow," Giovanni says to Vinny and me.

"Thank you, I will see you all tomorrow," Vinny says and we go up to our room.

"I'm so happy you're back. It was weird waking up alone," I say and he walks into my arms again.

"I missed your hugs," he says against my chest. I smile and walk us to the bed where I fall backwards with him clinging to me like a koala bear.

"I'll let you cuddle then I have to get this suit off," I say as I kick my shoes off. I'm surprised when he sits up the straddle my waist and pushes my suit jacket off my shoulders with my help. I watch as he unbuttons my shirt and unties my tie slowly as he looks at me with a lustful gaze.

"I'm not sure if we should be having sex yet," I say as I hold his wrists.

"Why not?" He asks as he moves my hands and opens my shirt completely.

"You were raped Vinny, I don't know if you're ready to jump straight into sex," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"I am fine mi amore, I want you to fuck me," he says and reaches for my pants zipper. I stop him and he gets off angrily. "Why do you not want to have sex with me?" He demands.

"I do want you, I just don't want to do any more damage before I know how you're feeling," I say and he starts pacing the room.

"I am okay! The rape does not bother me because I killed the guy who did it!" He shouts and I freeze.

"You what?" I ask and he stops.

"I killed him. He raped many other people at the prison so I got a shiv and stabbed him," he says with a stony face.

"How are you not bothered by any of this?" I ask as I stand up from the bed. He looks at me and he frowns.

"I had to do it to survive. I had to be like Antonio to get through prison," he says.

"But you're not in prison anymore. You need to be Vinny. I'm in love with Vincent, not whoever this is," I say and his stony expression falls. A few tears fall down his face as his body starts to tremble. I quickly hug him to me and he starts sobbing violently as he holds onto the two sides of my open shirt.

"I am so sorry mi amore," he says between deep breaths and cries. I sit down on the bed and pull him with me as I lean against the headboard. He curls up in my lap with his head against my chest as he hiccups and sobs away all the pain he's been through in the past month. I'm so glad he's not being the closed off Vincent he was before, I need my Vinny back.

"It's okay my love. You've had to be strong in prison and now it's all hit you what's happened. Just cry it all out, I'm here," I say as I kiss his head and rub his shoulder soothingly. He cries for a while as my heart breaks at the sound of him so distressed. I wish I could make it all better.

"I don't want to be tough anymore," he says in a quiet voice as he sniffles. He looks up at me and I wipe the tears from his puffy eyes.

"You don't have to be, you're safe now. Nothings going to hurt you, I'm right here," I say and he nods. "How do you actually feel about the rape?" I ask him and he sniffles again.

"I feel weak. I couldn't fight back and he used me. I basically cheated on you," he says and trails off.

"You didn't cheat on me. You were taken advantage of and you didn't want it. I want you to see Orion about it, even if you go once," I tell him.

"Maybe. Right now I just want to cuddle you," he says.

"Okay, strip to your boxers and we'll go to bed."

He takes off his clothes and I take off mine then I turn off the lights and get under the covers with him. I spoon him and make sure my leg is over his and my arms are tightly wrapped around him so he feels safe.

"Goodnight my love," I say and kiss the back of his head.

"Goodnight mi amore," he says back in a croaky voice from his crying.

Three chapters in a day??? Anyways Vinny is out and it's getting better... maybe

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