Depths of Displeased Eyes

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"I don't want another surgery," I growl even as they're hurrying me down the hall on a gurney flat on my back. Even as I say that though I'm starting to get light headed.

"Your incision opened," the doctor tells me, "you have to."

I screw up my face. "How? Did the surgeon screw up, or--"

"Doubtful. Did you have a severe coughing spell, or lift something?"

I think. "After surgery I was puking a lot."

"A lot of people puke."

"It was pretty violent..."

"Anything else Tristan that you can think of?"

I think. "Um... this is embarrassing but I was crying. A lot." I remember doubling-over on Orion's bed. I'm sure folding the incision didn't help. I'd rather not explain my body-raking sobs, and that it was uncontrollable at one point and every time I gasped it felt like...well, my side was splitting open. Which apparently it was.

As I'm wheeled into the OR, I feel shameful. "Sorry..."

"Nothing to be sorry about," the doctor tells me, patting my shoulder. "You'll be fine."

As they affix the tubing over my face, I look at them desperately. "Please make sure someone tells Orion what's going on?"

"Of course. Now, count backwards--"

But I'm already out.


"We leave for tour in three days," Orion tells me.

We're lounging around in the basement. My arm is wrapped around his tiny frame. He's leaning against me, feet up, reclined, as I absentmindedly flip through TV channels.

"I know."

My boyfriend pauses a moment. "I miss you upstairs."

I look down at the top of his messy black hair. "We still have sex."

Orion sits up and gives me a disappointed look. "There's more to life than sex, Tris."

I frown. I wish he would've been angry. I can't deal with the depths of his displeased eyes.

"When are you going to talk to Jake?" he asks me then quietly, almost as though he's afraid to.

I look away. Honestly, I don't know. Orion traces his finger along my chest, making circles against the grey fabric.

"I miss snuggling you. I miss going to sleep with your scent all around me. I miss your arms around me."

I squeeze him.

Orion looks up into my face. "Tris...I don't understand. Is it a matter of pride?"

"Partially," I tell him honestly.

For a second he's angry. "That's the stupidest line of--" He catches himself and sighs deeply. "It's gonna be awkward if you're both on tour, not speaking."

"I know," I tell him plainly.

He sits up, and now he is angry. "So then do something!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"I don't apologize for things I'm not entirely sorry for."

His jaw drops. Then his skin turns fiery red. "You don't care that you punched him?"

"I do. I mean--"

Orion gets to his feet angrily. He glares down at me. "I never pegged you to be the jealous type, and I gotta say, I'm not a fan of this side of you."

Falling Star: Book 2 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now