Chapter 1 - How we meet

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hope you enjoy the story! Also I'm going to have rey be a kenobi for plot reasons. _______________________________________________________________________________  

Rey was only 5 years old when she was told she was going to be meeting her parents friends son when they came over today, they told her that he was also 5 years old himself. It was around 2 o'clock when the door bell rang and Reys mother went to answer the door, she opened the door and their stood Han solo and his wife Leia solo, and standing behind Leia is a little boy looking really shy, with black hair and dark brown eyes. 

"Oh hello Leia and Han, thank you for coming over its ice to see you." said Mrs Kenobi with a warm smile on her face. 

"Hello lily, thank you for having us over and its nice to see you too." Leia said as the three of them walked into the house. Ben looked around nervous until he sees a little girl hiding behind her dad, but he couldn't see her face. 

"Ben say hello to Mr and Mrs Kenobi." Han said as he puts his hand on his sons head.  Ben gulps and then starts to speak.

"H-Hello Mr and Mrs Kenobi i-it's nice to meet y-you." Ben said a bit nervous while looking at them. 

"Its wonderful to meet you Ben." said Mr Kenobi with a warm smile then turns to look at the little girl behind his leg. "Rey, say hello to them."

"H-hi Mr and Mrs solo, hello Ben..." Rey said in a quiet and soft voice as she walked around her dads leg to stand in front of him. 

"Rey honey how about you take Ben to your room and play for bit."

"Ok mama." rey said as she started to walk down the hall slowly. 

Ben looked up at his parents and his mother nodded to him and he started to follow her down the hall. Rey and Ben walked in silence taking quick glances at each other, when they reached Rey's room she sat on her bed and patted a spot next to her for him to sit down. He took her offer and hoped down next to her as they both sat in silence. Rey took a breath and then looked at him with a soft smile. 

"What do you like to do Ben?" Rey asked him while tilted her head at him.

Ben thought for a moment then answered with "video games" as soon as he said that Rey's eye lit up and he could have swore  he saw her eyes have stars in them, before he could react she got up and went into her closet and pulled out an X-box and plug it into her TV and turned it on and sat down in front of the TV and turned her head as she held out her arm to her with a second control in her hand. 

"wanna play or what?" she said with a little giggle and a soft smile. Ben could have swore he felt his chess almost explode. he took the control from her and smiled at her they shared a smile as Rey put on call of duty and they stared to play against each other and after a while of both winning a few times they had a movie on but during it they both fell asleep with Rey's head agents Ben's shoulder and Ben's head leaning on her own. Their parents walked into the to see them asleep Leia and Lily were both taking pitchers of them, after they did it Han picked up Ben and put him on his back  and carried him out while Rey's father put her on her bed and tucked her in. 

a week later

Ben was at the park him and Rey have been playing together almost everyday today they went to the park, Ben was on a swing as Rey went to get something to drink. as Ben was swinging it suddenly stopped Ben was confused but before he could figure out what was happening he was pushed off the swing. He looked up and saw that there were 3 kids that pushed him off they looked to be around his age.

"what was that for?!" Ben said with an angry tone. 

"you go to first order elementary right?" one kid said with a smirk. 

"aren't all of them freaks?!" one kid said before laughing

The boys continued laughing, Ben was about to say something to them, until one of them went flying forward, the other two looked back to see a Rey standing behind them, the two boys were shock to see her and what she did. 

"Rey what are you doing here?" one of the kid says

"i can ask you the same thing Sam."

"we were just leaving Rey."

"Ok then leave."

All the boys take off running away from them. Rey goes over to Ben and offers him her hand, he takes it. He looks at he with a questionable look before speaking.

"who were those kids?" Ben asked Rey

"some boys that go to my school, just ignore them they act all tough till you start to fight back." Rey said while rolling her eyes.

"you go to resistance elementary?"  Ben asked a little confused.

"oh yeah, but it doesn't mean i think people who go to the first order are mean or anything if you prove anything they are really funny and sweet." 

She gives a warm smile to him as finished talking. Ben felt a blush go across his face as he starts to smile at her then they both hear their moms call for them and have a race of who can get there faster. Ben ended up winning, they were both out of breath but still hugged each other before saying good bye.

hope you enjoyed it!!! see ya next time!!!!

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