Chapter 4- Sleepover

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(A/N I actually like this chapter a lot. It's pretty cringy to me but I like it soooo yeah! Enjoy!!)

Kirishima POV.

A few weeks had gone by and I was becoming closer to Bakugou! I really enjoyed his company even though he could become angry at the smallest of things. I was always happy around him. I had also gotten other friends, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jirou and almost everyone in class 1a. I would say that I have befriended Bakugou but, since he won't admit it, I haven't won the challenge yet. But I needed to win. I needed to see his soulmate line, to see if it matched mine.

I was sceptical at first but with how much we enjoyed each other's company and just how much time we spend together I can't help but feel like we're soulmates. I can't get my hopes up though, that'll be bad. I just keep staring at him and I can't stop looking at his cute little scowl whenever he's trying to focus. I really like him.

Me, Kami, Sero and Ashido are always around Bakugou. Eating lunch, hanging out, you name it and ever since we moved into the dorms we have gotten even more time to spend together. Me and Ashido knew each other in middle school so I told her how I felt around Bakugou since she's good at this stuff, and she told me that she would help me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared of what she was planning. I just knew that it would be planned for this weekend. I almost forgot about it until lunch.

"HEY LET'S HAVE A SLEEPOVER AT KIRI'S PLACE!!" She excitedly exclaimed at the lunch table. "Why my place?" I questioned. "Cause your moms are the nicest and funniest!" She said like it was a fact, I sigh in defeat. "I'll ask them for permission..." "Awesome, the whole bakusquad will be there." "Oi! I never agreed to this!" Bakugou exclaimed with a angry expression, he then turned to me and said. "Besides, we shouldn't force ourselves onto shitty hair without his opinion anyway. It is his home after all." We all just stare at him, we didn't expect him to defend me like that. "Bakugou it's fine I swear." I said with a smile. "I enjoy your company but it's up to my moms. They've never met you guys before, they just know who you are because I can't stop talking about the squad for the life of me" I said with a sheepish smile, while scratching the back of my neck with one of my hands.

<< Time skip >>

It's the weekend and time for the bakusquad sleepover. Everybody's coming, this is going to be really fun. It's Saturday and they're coming over in about an hour and a half. My moms are really excited to meet everyone and are running around cleaning the last things before they're here. I was in my room reading a book, when I heard the doorbell go of. I grab my phone to see if anybody's coming over earlier, and just as expected Ashido texted me.

|I'm coming over early, gotta help you plan you know what;)|

I run down the stairs and open the door. "Took you long enough" she laughed before entering. After greeting my moms we went up to my room to "prepare for the event" as she calls it.

"Okay... first. You need to change." Ashido said. "What. Why?" "Cause you need to impress Bakugou with your good looks!" "Okay... But that's not gonna work. I don't think Bakugou cares anyway." She walked over to my wardrobe to pick out a different outfit. When she had decided she pulled out a pair of ripped black jeans, black t-shirt and a red flannel. I went in my bathroom to change and when I came back she folded up the sleeves on the flannel. Since I was lazy I wasn't bothered to spike my hair. It's just the squad, they wouldn't mind. She took a final look at me and gave me a satisfied smile. After that we laid on my bed talking about random memes we had come across on instagram until we heard the doorbell ring again.

We ran down the stairs and Ashido slammed the door open only to be met with a glare from the most beautiful man alive. Bakugou. After he was done glaring at Ashido he moves his gaze onto me, he immediately softened his expression and greeted me with a nod. We let him inside and my moms came in to greet him. I hope they get along I thought as I watched them exchange names, they seem to get along. Thank all might. I don't know what I would do if they didn't, but then again I don't know if he is my soulmate or not. That's why I asked Ashido for help.

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