29 | of a combat medic

Start from the beginning

" It's fine I promise, I need to make sure you two are kept up to speed, especially since we don't know when we'll be meeting up with the others." Lizzie explained as Tab took the K-ration and took a bit of food out and ate it.

" How can you remain so positive?" Tab asked her. Lizzie smirked to herself softly.

" I guess it's the only thing I can do in situations like this." Lizzie said, " The unknown, yeah, it's scary, but just facing it, just knowing you don't know what's going to happen, it doesn't make it that scary anymore. You just accept it."

" Wise words of wisdom from Miss Elizabeth Elliot." Tab said with a nod as Lizzie smirked at him shaking her head. Lizzie glanced at Shifty who smiled at her softly.

" My grandma taught me that one." Lizzie said with a nod, looking down at her hands. No one knew about her grandmother, not even the girls, because well, supposedly her grandmother was getting better, the treatments, they were working. Even if it wasn't always a guarantee.

" She's real into God and stuff, always says he'll save her from her sins and her misfortunes, things like that. She's a big believer in that." Lizzie said with a small smile. Shifty and Tab met each other's gaze, as they listened to Lizzie trail off. Lizzie wasn't one to grow entirely too close with others, maybe just a small conversation or two, but her actions spoke louder, especially as a combat medic. Her and Gene were the same way. Soft-spoken, but firm and commanding when you went against orders.

It was the medic way.

" She doing ok?" Tab asked leaning forward.

" Yeah," Lizzie said with a nod, forcing a smile on her face, guarding herself. She cursed that she even brought her grandmother up. It would lead to unwanted emotions and feelings that Lizzie thought she had left behind in America when she became prepared to fight in the war. She wore her heart on her sleeve and was fairly easy to read, but she was quieter about it, more so than other women. It seems Shifty Power and Floyd Talbert could pick up on that she was hiding something. She wasn't ready to say yet.

" How about your families? They ok?" Lizzie asked. The two men met eyes again, but decided Lizzie got off the topic because it was too much for her.

" Doing well, I guess," Shifty said, " sent me some cards, a few photos." Shifty pulled out a tiny photo from his front pocket and showed Lizzie, who reached forward and took the tiny photograph in her hand.

" That's mom." Shifty said and Lizzie softly smiled down at it. Tab thought she had a wise smile, years beyond her age.

" She's beautiful Shifty." Lizzie said, as she handed the photo back to him and he took it and tucked it away. Shifty smiled at her.

" I got one of my dog back home." Tab said and Lizzie's eyes lit up.

" You have a dog?" Lizzie said as Tab pulled out the picture and showed it to her. It was a German Shepherd with the softest looking ears, tail wagging, as it seemed he were smiling with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

" Aw, Tab," Lizzie said.

" That's Bailey." Tab said and Lizzie's eyes turned soft.

" He's adorable." Lizzie said handing him back the photo as Tab nodded with a smile.

" Once he gets the zoomies, though, game over." Tab said. 

" Zoomies?" Lizzie asked him.

" You know, they get really excited and started booking it around the house." Tab said as Shifty and Lizzie giggled.

" He sounds so cute." Lizzie said as she brushed her hands off on her ODs.

" We should probably get moving." Tab said as he looked at the two.

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