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A dare for me, from
"I know Jackie loves final fancy, so, how about Alphni comes for 5 dares.
(I think that is how you spell it XD)"

Me: Yeah that's.... not how you spell it...

Alphinaud: Hey

Me: Hewwo!

Alphinaud: So Uh.... Where exactly am I?

Me: Haha right! You are in my ask or dare fanfic!

Alphinaud: ??

Axel: Hey Jackie, I- woah! Who's this?

Me: Oh right! Axel, this is Alphinaud. Alphi, this is Axel.

Alphinaud: Nice to meet you!

Axel: Hey. So... dare?

Me: Yup. Come on, I'll introduce you to the Rescue riders.

*at the Roost*

Me: Hey guys! Meet my friend Alphinaud!

Winger: Hey there!

Alphinaud: He does not speak the same as Nidhogg.

Me: Nope. These are friendly dragons. Like Vidofnir.

Dak: Hello! I'm Dak, this is my sister Leyla. That's Winger, Summer, Aggro, Cutter and Burple. Oh boy... then we have Stealth, Violet, Rim, Midnight, Starblaze, Nolan and Melody. These are mine and Leyla's parents.

Daisy: I'm Daisy and this is Robert.

Alphinaud: There are a lot of you...

Me: And now there's one more!

Cutter: Does your friend know about Magnus?

Me: Magnus is dead for a few dares, remember?

Cutter: Oh right! Thank goodness.

Axel: So Alphinaud, what fandom do you come from? Or are you an OC?

Alphinaud: What....

Me: Axel omg you can't just break the fourth wall and expect everyone to understand.

Burple: I don't understand.

Me: See?

Axel: I don't even know what he said.

Me: *facepalms*

Alphinaud: Can we go now? We must get back to slaying primals!

Me: Sorry. You gotta stay here for five dares.

Alphinaud: I'm afraid I don't know what that means.

Me: Yeah ok I'll explain it later. Just think of it as a vacation!

Alphinaud: Well...

Me: Come on Alphi, you never rest! Just have some fun!

Axel: *chuckles*

Me: What's so funny?

Axel: I thought his name was Alphinaud.

Me:......... no one asked for your opinion, human.

Axel: Human as opposed to?

Me: Dragon. Jackal. Elezen.

Axel: What?

Alphinaud: Oh! That's my race. Elezen.

Leyla: Omg So you're like an elf person? Tell me everything!

Me: Oh please Leyla not now.

Alphinaud: Uh... well I-

Leyla: Do you live in the forests? And use bows and arrows?

Violet: Stereo type.

Leyla: Or maybe ride dragons? Like us?

Alphinaud: Well I have ridden dragons before but-

Leyla: *about to talk again*

Me: Ok that's enough now leave Alphi alone.

Stealth: Elezen... such an odd word.. hahaha elelelezen!


Stealth: No

Me: *dragging Alphinaud with me inside of the Roost* Sorry about them. They're crazy.

Alphinaud: It's ok! I deal with crazy all the time!

Me: Like who

Alphinaud: Alisaie, Thancred..... you.

Me: *blushes* Yeah. That's me. The crazy one. Anyway, thanks for the dare!

Alphinaud: Who are you talking to?

Me: Maybe I need to explain now. Until next time!

Rescue Riders Ask Or Dare 2Where stories live. Discover now