Meeting Him

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"Leliana, this is Jasper Hale."
(Song above is for all chapter)

I stare at him with my eyes wide, for I don't know how long. He walks up to me with his eyes wide also.

"It is nice to meet you, Jasper. My name is Leliana, or Lily for short." I tell him holding my hand out.

He gives me a smile, before he grabs my hand. He turns my hand around,
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Leliana."

I immediately noticed that he has a Southern accent, as he gives the back of my hand a kiss. If I wasn't a vampire, I would be very red right now. I give him a light smile, "Would you care to dance with me, Jasper?"

He shakes his head, "Not at all, Ma'am. Lead the way."

I smile as he holds out his arm, I wrap my arms around his arm. I look over at Carlisle, "It was very nice to meet you all." Then I look to the newly Weds.
"Congratulations, again."

Edward nods his head in acknowledgement.

Then I lead Jasper to the dance floor. We start to dance to a slow song, and I just feel joy being in his arms.

"So Jasper, Where were you born?" I asked him wanting to get to know my mate better.

He gives me a smile, "I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Where were you born, Leliana?"

"I was born in Michigan. In a tiny town named Hollow." I say getting a smile on my face.

"Do you have any siblings?" He had asked me.

"I do. I have a younger sister, and her new Husband Tristan. Along with a niece on the way." I say with a smile on my face.

"Do you?" I asked.

He shakes his head no. Then he twirls me around. I look into his yellow eyes, and we just stare at each other for a while.

When were you turned, Leliana?" He asked me.

"1990. You?" I asked him.

"1844." He replied.

"Anymore questions, Lily?" He asked me with a smirk on his face. If I was not in a backyard filled with people, let's just say you don't want to see it.

"Is Jasper Hale really your name?" I asked.

"No, my real name is Jasper Whitlock." He says smiling down at me.

I smile back, before my phone vibrates in my pocket. We stop dancing, and I take my phone out.

I smile as I look at who is calling me. I look up at Jasper, "Do you mind if I take this?"

He shakes his head, "No, go right ahead."

"Thank you." I say before I answer the call.

(T for Tristan. L for Leliana)

L: Hello?
T: Hey Sis, we are heading to the hospital. The baby is on the way.

L: Really! Okay, I will grab Aiden and we will be on our way.
T: Sounds like a plan.

L: Tell Beth to take deep breaths.
T: Will do! Talk to you later.

~~~~~~~~~~Phone call ends~~~~~~~~

I put my phone away, before a huge smile is on my face. Jasper smiles at me before asking why I am smiling.

I look over at him, "My sister is on the way to the hospital. Which means, when I get back there, she is going to be in labor."

I look over the dance floor to see if I can find Aiden, once I see him having a deep conversation with Alice.

I grab Jasper's hand and I drag him over there with me.
"Aiden! Baby girl is on her way!"

He quickly looks around to look at me.
"She is!"

I nod my head, "Yes. I can't wait! Oh, do you want to stay here with Alice or go with me?"

"I can go with you. I have been waiting for baby girl to come. Just let me say goodbye to Alice." Aiden tells me.

"No rush, I have to give Esme our address and say goodbye to everyone." I tell him before I turn to face Jasper.

I rip off a piece of paper from my invitation, and I write down my phone number. I give that one to Jasper, I put my hand on his cheek.

"I wish you can come with, but I know you need time to process our bond." I tell him before I lean in and kiss him sweetly. I can feel his arms wrap around me, and I know that I am home.

I finally pull back, and I quickly find Esme. I hand her the paper with Beth's address. Then I hand Bella my phone number just in case she needs to talk.

Next I was walking to my car, I see Jasper leaning against my car.
"Leaving without saying goodbye, Ma'am?"

"I would never leave without telling my mate goodbye." I say leaning against him looking at him.

"If you ever need to talk over just need to hear my voice. Give me a call, okay?" I asked him.

He gives me a light kiss on my cheek, then I get into my car. He bends down and looks at me.
"I hope, I get to see you again Leliana."

"You will. I promise." I tell him seriously.

He nods before he backs away from my car, as I get on to the road.

'Another three hour drive. I can't believe I found my mate, and he is Carlisle's adoptive son no less.'

I can see and hear Aiden's Mustang behind me.

I hated leaving my newly found mate, it kills me inside. I bet it destroyed Jasper, I just found him after 20 years of loneliness.

I may not know his backstory but no matter how bad or how horrible. I am going to stay by his side, he is my other half and my soulmate.


My Southern Accent MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ