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"Please! Let her go, please! I will do anything, just don't hurt her!" I yell at the strange man that has my three old sister; Beth by her neck.

"Why should I let her go?" The strange man answers. His hand tightens his grip on her neck, which I can tell that Beth is not getting enough air.

"She is only three years old, and is a baby. Take me, instead." I tell him with a begging expression on my face.

He thinks for a few seconds before he lets Beth go, she runs over to me and hugs me. I hug her back tightly, before I am pulled away from her by the strange man.

He drags me into my bedroom, and throws me onto my bed. He closes the door, and is on top of me within a matter of seconds.

I try to fight for my life, but it is unsuccessful. Then I feel a pain in my neck, and I start to scream in pain. Hot white blinding pain travels throughout my body.

"Soon, you will be like me. Soon." the strange man smiles before getting off of me. He opens the door, and leaves the house.

I blacked out from the pain.


That was 20 years ago to the day. Now, I am a vampire, but I drink animal blood instead of human blood. My eyes are yellow/topaz, because of my diet. I stayed hidden for most of my new life, but I still was there for my little sister Beth.

I helped her through Elementary school, Middle school, and High school. She knows that I am a vampire, and never tells a soul unless I tell her it is okay. She is so excited to welcome her first child with her Husband Tristan Johnson.

Tristan is very kind, loving, and protective of Beth. Which helps me a lot, cause now someone else is protecting Beth with me. Tristan also knows that I am a vampire, he never told a soul. Also when Beth was in 6th grade, I met Aiden McClain, he is my best vampire friend as any vampire can get. He never hurts a human soul, and his power is to block a power.

My power is self-control, just like Carlisle. When I first him, he taught me the new diet and one day on it. I was hooked. Since that day, I never had human blood pass my lips.

Also two months ago, Beth told me that she is pregnant with Tristan child. I am very happy for her, but my big sister side kicked in. So I asked Tristan what he would do if Beth was pregnant with his child.
He told me, I will never leave her or my child ever. With your permission, I want to marry your sister.

"Yes, you have my permission." I told him with a smile on my face. If you guys are wondering what happened to our parents?

They died in a car crash, when Beth was two years old. So I became a Sister, Father, and Mother.

Then two days after Beth told me that she was pregnant, I got a letter from my friend and Mentor Carlisle Cullen.

It read that his oldest son Edward was getting married to a human who was his mate.

***Just a bit of Leliana's background***

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