"Fine, talk." I crossed my arms and pursed my lips in annoyance.

"Not here, there's someone you need to meet. Let's go." He raised his hand in the air and did a strange motion. I looked behind me as a black Cadillac pulled by the shop slowly and from the driver's door stepped a man I was not ready to see again so soon.


"M'lady." He bowed to me and opened the middle door of the luxurious vehicle. My mouth dropped at how respectful he was acting now. Such a striking difference from last night.

Last night, fuck. We didn't even do anything and yet my face turned red. I looked at Ahjumma and nodded before walking up and seating myself in the car comfortably. I covered my face with my hand feeling conflicted and flustered to see Yoongi's calm yet mischievous face again. Dad entered the car next and sat beside me calmly, he didn't put a seatbelt on and the atmosphere was so awkward that I turned my attention to Yoongi who was driving to avoid thinking about my dad.

It was a bad idea and worked incredibly well as my sight locked onto his veiny arms and slim fingers. I couldn't take my eyes away from his hands and suddenly he looked in the rear view mirror and saw me staring at him. He shook his head, a playful smile on his lips as I dropped my head in embarrassment.

"So how have you been, Mirae?" The annoying sound of dad's voice cut through the silence and I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

"I WAS great, you know? Living a good life free from abuse but someone had to ruin it." I sent him a dirty look and he chuckled to himself.

"I know honey, I'm just doing what I have to do." He looked out his window and my eyebrows furrowed at his strange words.

Doing what he has to do? Why does it sound like he's doing something bad? What am I thinking, everything he does is bad.

After a long tense drive and many glances shared between me and Yoongi, we finally arrived at a stunning mansion with several garages surrounding it.

Dad got out without saying a word and so did Yoongi. I looked to the door and pulled the handle but nothing happened, Yoongi appeared at the tinted window and opened the door for me, letting a strong amount of sunlight stream in.

"I do hope the ride was enjoyable, Miss Kim." He smiled and offered me his hand. I cursed myself that my first instinct was to take it but my second instinct was also to take it so I took his hand and he helped me stand out of the car respectfully.

Dad started walking up the steps to the magnificent establishment and when his back was turned to us, Yoongi roughly pulled me toward his body and pressed his face to mine.

"But I could give you a much more enjoyable ride, Sweetheart, and you know exactly where." His eyes motioned to his crotch and I stared at him in disbelief. My face once again exploded into a blush and I turned away from him and followed dad quickly, wanting to get away from his overpowering lust. What in the holy hell.

I walked up the steps and through the tall doors into a grand hallway. Dad disappeared through a doorway on the left and I followed just to enter a massive sitting room with roof high windows everywhere allowing a ridiculous amount of light in. Why must it be so bright...

My eyes followed dad where he took his seat in a vintage armchair next to another chair that also seated a man.

I studied him as I walked up, he looked to be about the same age as my father but his appearance was completely different. His hair was shoulder length and tied back in a low ponytail. His face, muscular and defined with a long scar on his forehead just clear of his right eye as it inched down to his cheekbone.

"Hello, Mirae. You're even more stunning than the pictures." He scanned me up and down and I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious about my appearance. Jeans and a plain blouse was not very flattering and the fact that they had 'pictures' of me was even worse.

"Thank you." I said out of habit to always be grateful when people compliment me. I timidly took a seat on the couch that faced them both and looked between him and my dad.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jeon Minjoon, I am your father's business partner of four years and we have come to an agreement that involves your life." He leant forward and stared me in the eyes. I felt threatened and unsafe, his gaze was violent and cold and I tensed up at his words.

"What do you mean my life?" I stood up defensively as he also rose to his feet. He sent me a smile that was the definition of unsettling.

"Well I'll put it blankly seeing as you'd probably like me to get to the point. I want you to submit your life to us so that we can set an image for our enemies." I looked at dad to see he was completely serious and agreeing with what was coming out of this man's mouth.

"Uh.....no. No way." I blinked a few times trying to make sure I wasn't dreaming like an idiot. "Whatever the fuck that means, it's not happening. I am not submitting shit." My hands formed fists and I stared at them rudely, particularly my dad who had a smug look on his face. They both looked at each other, communicating with looks.

"Oh and tell your green leprechaun to take me home." I spat out not even thinking of what I was saying.

"Excuse me?" I spun around to the sudden voice and Yoongi was standing behind me, his face contorted in surprise and cold humour.

"I'm..leaving." I breathed out in panic as I started walking past Yoongi quickly.

He clicked his tongue and grabbed my arm, spinning me around so my back was pressed against his body and his arm had hooked around my neck.

"Is she allowed to leave?" He looked at Minjoon with a questioning gaze and I froze in his strong grip.

What?! Am I allowed to leave?

"Yoongi stop that. We haven't even shown her yet. Save your energy for if she continues to fight us." He started walking towards us and my mind was a mess over how wrong that sentence just was.

"Show me what?" I questioned disrespectfully and my dad suddenly got up and walked past Minjoon where he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Yoongi.

"Come with me, I'll show you." He led me out of the room and I followed, my curiosity scaring me too much to try and leave.

"I can follow you, you know. I didn't inherit your genes of stupidity, thankfully." I ripped my hand out of his grasp, feeling disgusted by his skin touching mine.

"Very well." He continued walking and I looked back to see Yoongi shadowing us from a fair distance back. His eyes never leaving me...it had me feeling different ways.

Towards the centre of the mansion the sunlight died out and warm lamps were placed everywhere to light the surroundings. There was art everywhere, relics, statues, paintings, it all must have cost so much money. Money that my dad never used to have.

"She's in here." My dad stopped at a tall wooden door, the handle was locked with a key in it. He turned it and opened it as I kept thinking what he meant by 'she'.

My curiosity was soon settled when my eyes locked onto the form of a woman, lying in an expensive hospital bed with an insane amount of wires and tubes attached to her body.

I slowly stepped forward, forcing my legs to move until I could glance at her face. As soon as I had seen it I instantly backed out the room and bumped into Yoongi. I collapsed on the floor as hot tears flooded my vision.


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