My College Experience So Far

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Hey girl! Here is a chapter dedicated to my personal, college experience. And as I continue to go through college, I will come back and update this chapter (or I will just post a separate, updated chapter and leave this one as is)!!

Now, onto the fun stuff! I attend a Christian college called Olivet Nazarene University and I will be a sophomore this coming year (Fall 2020/Spring 2021). I am majoring in Ministerial Missions and I am trying to figure out if/what minor or minors I want to get (right now I'm thinking either History or Sociology—I don't think I have time to get both).

Fun fact! I actually started out as an English major with the intention of going into creative writing or screenwriting, while also double majoring with History. But, I ended up changing my mind about English fairly quickly into the first semester—I did not enjoy my Intro to Engish Studies class as much as I thought I would. So, I spent the next few weeks feely depressed, homesick, and lost until I gave all those anxieties to God and He used a chapel service to change my life! Thus resulting in my change of major from English to Ministerial Missions (if you all really want to hear that story in more detail, I can post that in another chapter, just let me know in the comments).

The first semester of freshman year was very hard for me. Not only did I have a Major crisis (pun completely, but I was often homesick, I developed a bit of social anxiety, and my grandma passed away (I'll talk about that story more later on). But what got me through it were these beautiful things: prayer, my Bible, FaceTime/Skype, my roommate, my best friend, and Delight Ministries (Bible study).

I will dive into most of these later in this book, I'm just covering the basics in this chapter to show you what college looked like for me so far and how it will affect what I say/post in this book.

Your friend,
Sara Wingfeather ❤️

A Christian Girl's SurTHRIVal Guide to College: Surviving & Thriving in CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now