Chapter 12

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Earth-38, National City Kara's Apartment

Barry was at Kara's apartment getting ready to go to the bar, Kara told him that she was going to meet him on the bar since she had a lot of work she would be a bit late. When he finished changing he decided to go to a flower shop so he could give Kara a sweet little rose, for her superfriend, when he got to the bar it was past 8 as always Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, late to an appointment, even Alex was already on her place watching them. He just looked at Alex, with her hands she told him where the others where.

National City, Alien Bar

"I can't believe it, Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, late to this reunion," Kara said, watching him arrive

"You know, even if I'm superspeed I'm always late, it's a like a curse" They both laugh but Mon-El just stare to Barry since he saw a flower on his hand

"I uhh... I got you this... I hope you like roses because I just saw this one and I like it for you, but I don't know if you like them or not if you don't like them it's ok I can throw it away or give it to someone else or not... God I just sound like Felicity"

Kara started to laugh about his friend, but she didn't notice she started to blush, while Mon-El was being serious since Barry arrived.

"It's fine Barry I liked it, it's beautiful... Thanks"

"You're welcome... Did you already ask for something to eat?"

"No, we haven't we were waiting for you actually"

"Then let's order something to drink"

After a few minutes, the waiter arrived at the table, when each other ordered their drinks, Barry and Kara started to talk while Mon-El just watched everything that was going on, this worried Kara, since Mon-El before he went to the future he was talkative, he never stops talking.

"What are you thinking about Mon?"

"Nothing I'm fine..."

"It doesn't sound like" Barry enter to the conversation

"Guys I'm fine"

"Ok, then," Barry said, but Kara knew something was wrong

There was a silence between them, so Kara decided to break the tension between them "So Mon what happened after you arrived in the future?"

"It was really strange, but I started to understand everything that started to happen, it was difficult to live without you for seven years..." When he said that it was the turn of Barry to be in a serious mood.

Everyone talked for a while, Kara saw there was a bit of a tension between Barry and Mon-El but she let it slide, Barry was talking about the time he fought Zoom when suddenly outside of the bar sound police sirens, Kara rolled her eyes, she was having a great time, but the city needs her. So the three of them stand up, but Kara stopped the guys.

"What are you doing?" Barry said

"We need to go" Mon-El added

"You guys stay here, I just hear that they are only stealing an atm, and if you guys stay here we will not have to wait for another 30 minutes to get a table"

"But what happens if Reign comes back"

"Winn will inform you, don't worry guys I'll be fine trust me"

After Kara left both of the guys were in awkward silence, they didn't know what to say or what to do, when finally Barry decided to talk.

"So... Do you like chicken wings?"

"Are you dating Kara?" Mon-El said ignoring the question, Barry asked


"You hear me the first time"


"Oh, so you like her?"

Barry didn't answer for a while, so Mon-El already knew the answer. Until Barry finally said

"Look... I don't know, something happened on my earth..."

"That's right, you were with that I don't remember the name Iria?"


"Yeah, her, what happened"

"Look... I don't want to talk about it"

"So that's why you came to this earth, to change her?"

"Mon, really I don't want to..."

"You came here to get Kara"

"First of all, I didn't know that she had sent you away..."

"But when you knew you didn't think twice to get her"

"What?! No, besides you are here she is gonna stay with you"

"I don't think so, ever since I arrived I saw you two staring at each other, you giving her a flower, taking her hand, I think you already forgot about your girlfriend"

When he heard that Barry didn't think twice, he started to punch Mon-El on the face, Mon-El went a few steps back, he started to check his nose, but he didn't have anything after he checked himself he went to attack Barry and that's when the fight started.

Meanwhile, Alex was looking at everything that was happening at that moment, she was praying that Kara gets here to stop this fight after a few hits people started to break them apart.

"You never talk about Iris again! You don't have the right"

"I will continue if you continue to flirt with Kara"

Finally, the boss of the bar arrives, he saw the disaster Barry and Mon-El made.

"Who did this!"

When they heard the voice of the boss they knew they were screwed. The boss looked at Barry and Mon-El with some blood on their noses and some bruises they had, he already knew the answer.

"You two are going to pay for this! Do you understand?"

Barry and Mon-El were about to pay when they heard a voice behind them

"I will pay for this disaster," Alex said

Mon-El was shocked to see Alex on the bar, but Barry was scared of what will make to them after this fight

"Are you sure Miss?" The boss asked

"Yes, they are going to have something worse than paying the things they broke"

"If you say so"

After paying everything Alex turn around to see both guys looking at everything the bar had except the death glare Alex had on them

"Both of you... Are in such big trouble, thank God Kara wasn't here if she saw both of you fight she would have..."

"Kill them?" said a very angry Kara from behind

"Both of you are screwed..." Alex whispered 

"You have no idea..." Kara added

Both Barry and Mon-El knew one thing, they are screwed...

AN: The next post you might see is going to be the announcement of the one-shot I was thinking of doing. Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote! :p

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