"True, I'll try to talk to her and see if she has any clue. You call for a medical evac and I'll contact General Kenobi."

"Yes sir," Kix saluted before running out of the tent.

Anakin activated his holo-projector and called Obi-Wan. After a few moments, a blue image of his former master appeared.

"Anakin, what is it? You look... not well," Obi-Wan asked.

"It's Ahsoka, Master. She's fallen very ill, and I need to get her back to the Temple ASAP. Can you bring the 212th from your position up north and merge with the 501st? Ahsoka and I are leaving as soon as the evac arrives."

"Anakin you can stay and just send Kix with her. I'm sure—"

"No. I'm going with her. She's my padawan, and my responsibility. I'm not leaving her."

Obi-Wan sighed. He knew how protective Anakin was of Ahsoka, and also knew this wasn't and argument he'd win. "Fine Anakin, I will reconvene with the 501st, and lead the assault."

"Thank you Obi-Wan. I owe you one!"

"You owe me more than one," the older man mumbled before ending the communication.

Anakin walked back over to Ahsoka, to see that she was waking up. He grabbed her hand and gave it another squeeze. Her eyes fluttered the rest of the way open.

"Master...?" She croaked weakly.

"Yes, it's me Snips," Anakin replied smiling.

"Where's Lux?" she asked groggily. Anakin's eyes shot wide open. Why was she asking for him? Did he have something to do with her being sick? If he did Anakin was going to kill him.

Anakin shook his head, she probably was just hallucinating due to her fever and thought she was still on Carlac. "Why do you need him? You have me right here!"

Ahsoka giggled. "I think..." she stopped and giggled again.

"You think what Snips?"

She giggled and smiled again. "Master... when was your first kiss?"

Anakin blushed and his eyes went wide. "Uhhhhh... you see... I..." Anakin stuttered.

Ahsoka saved him by talking again. "Lux... he was my first," Ahsoka said a giant smile plastered on her face. "And second... and third," she continued with a giggle.

Anakin gasped. He knew he had been rubbing off on Ahsoka, but he didn't think she'd ever got this far. He didn't even know how to respond to what she had just said. What he did know, however, was that he wanted to introduce that Bonteri boy to his lightsaber.

"I'm going to be having a little talk with him if I ever see him again!"

"Nooooooo... I looooove him," Ahsoka slurred, giggling. "C-could you ask him if he likes me when you talk to him." She obviously didn't understand what he meant by "talk".

Anakin chewed his lip. He was walking a fine line here. On one hand, he wanted Ahsoka to be the best Jedi she could be, follow the code, be better than him. However, on the other hand, he always criticized the Council for being hypocrites, and he didn't want to be one himself.

He sighed and finally responded. "No... you deserve someone better than him Ahsoka." He wanted to tell her that she wasn't supposed to have attachments, but he caved to the part of him that said not to be a hypocrite.

Ahsoka looked sad upon hearing this. "But I—"

"Ahsoka, he knocked you out, took you to Carlac, formed an alliance with DEATH WATCH, almost got both of you killed, and probably got you sick by taking you there! He's not right for you."

Ahsoka's face only grew more crestfallen, as she started to cry. This surprised Anakin. He had only seen her cry once, the first time she led a squad of fighters on a mission and returned with only one. She had stayed in her room for almost an entire day crying, blaming herself for the failure. Now she was crying over a boy. She really was in love with him.

Anakin quickly wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into a hug. He began to stroke her lekku in an attempt to calm her down. "Shhh... shhh... calm down Snips."

"You- you're only saying that because... because you don't think he likes me." She began to cry even more, burying her face in his cloak.

Anakin grabbed her face and wiped away the tears. "Now I didn't say that did I? It's just that you're so amazing, kind, compassionate, fearless, not to mention fairly attractive for a young woman." Ahsoka smiled as Anakin listed her traits. "But, that Bonteri kid is a stuck up, snobby, rich kid. He's no good for you."

"But Master I love him!" Ahsoka countered. "He's nothing like what you say. He's kind, funny, always puts others first, and he makes me feel like the only girl in the world. He completes me."

Anakin took in Ahsoka's words. It reminded him of him and Padme. "Looks like my padawan's growing up," he said with a smile.

"You're not mad?"

"Well I am a bit, but we all have urges, and I don't blame you for giving in. Just... I don't want to lose you because of him Snips."

"It's okay Anakin. I'll always be by your side." The two smiled at each other.

Suddenly Rex walked into the room. "Sir, the evac is here."

"Evac?" Ahsoka asked confused.

"You're sick Snips. I'm leaving to take you back to the Temple to heal up."

"Bu- but what about the battle?"

"Obi-Wan's got that taken care of. He's gonna lead both the 212th and 501st, so I can escort you back to the Temple."

"O-okay," Ahsoka said. She sounded nervous, like she was trying to hide something, but Anakin shook it off.

"Now let's go." Anakin picked Ahsoka up and carried her to the ship. Once aboard he placed her on a cot in the med bay. He placed his non-robotic hand on her forehead. "You're still burning up. Get some rest, and if you need anything, I'll be right there," He said pointing to a chair in the corner.

She nodded. "Thank you Master."


The ride back to the Temple was rather short and uneventful. Ahsoka slept the entire time, and Anakin didn't move from his seat in the corner, watching over her.

When they got to the Temple Anakin, with the help of a few clones, wheeled her into the Halls of Healing, being careful not to wake her up. Once inside, Anakin was ushered out and into the waiting room. He paced back and forth nervously awaiting the results from the various tests they were running.

Shortly after Ahsoka entered the room, one of the healers exited. Anakin ran up to her. "How is she? Is she okay? Is—" He asked frantically.

The healer held up her hand to stop Anakin. "She will be fine. When we were running the tests, we found that she just had a bad cold. However, we found something else. Something more... troubling."

"What? What is it?"

"She's pregnant."

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