"Shuichi!" I grabbed his wrists, trying to get him to let go. It really hurt. "I don't remember! Please let go! You're hurting me!" He suddenly let go, getting up and staring at me. He then started to look even more distressed, like he was about to burst into tears. He gripped his hair and pulled it, like he was going insane.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just- I-" he then ran out of the room stuttering to himself. I was genuinely worried for once. I've only felt genuine feelings for him. But I don't know what's happened.

I'll have to ask him later.

Shuichi POV:

I ran out of Kokichi's room. Practically freaking out. I ran as fast as I could to my dorm and locked the door once I was inside, sliding down it until I was sat down with my knees in my chest.

"He has to remember. Please. Whoever is out there. You can't do this to me. He was all I had. You can't just take him away! Not after all we went through!" I was eventually yelling at the end, not caring if anyone heard. I didn't realise that there were tears running down my face. I put a couple of my fingers on my face to wipe the tears, but they wouldn't stop. I wiped my sleeve across my face and staggered to get up. I sat on my bed, just staring at the floor.

"I... I just want him back... Ple-please..."


I looked up to see the lovable mascot and his four remaining monokubs. I used to love these characters.. now I despised everything about them. They took away the only one that didn't hate me.

They took away my Kokichi.

"You seem to be a bit upset about that grape boys memory!" Monokuma spoke up. I just stared at him, not replying.

"You bastards should have known that your memories would be taken when you signed up!" Monosuke added.

"Wait! Their memories were taken?!" Monotaro asked, having forgotten the whole game.

"Monotaro! Do you not remember? Daddy took their memories so the game would work!" Monophanie reminded him.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that."

"Yeah. You don't say." Monosuke facepalmed.

"Anyway! We should tell you why we're here!" Monokuma claimed.

"Oh yeah! Wait. Why are we here?" Monotaro spoke again.

Monosuke whacked the side of his head, "would you just shut up and let father talk?!"

Monotaro shut up after that.

"Oh if they weren't so cute I would've definitely killed them by now!" Monokuma said nonchalantly.

"Why are you here?" I asked, resting my face in my hands.

"Well. This motive that we used on you wasn't just to make everyone confused!" I looked at him dazed.

"We know that you love Kokichi more than anything in this world!" Monophanie appeared next to me and I flinched at her.

"Even more than your love for danganronpa! Which I'm still mad about by the way." Monokuma added.

"And you must be devastated that the bastard doesn't remember you!" Monosuke spoke.

"Sooooo... We want you to go all yandere for us." Monokuma dropped. I stared at him, hoping he was joking.

"W-what?!" I shouted without thinking.

"You want your little Kokichi back right? The one that loves you until the very end!" The bears snickered in unison.

I couldn't understand what was happening. I wouldn't kill. Even if it was for danganronpa. I thought I could. But I just- I wouldn't do that.

"So. If you want your beloved Ouma back, you need to kill someone! And if you don't, he'll never get his memories of you back."

"There's no point in that." I grumbled, looking down. "If I get away with it he'll just get executed with the others. I've seen this show. I know your tricks."

"Puhuhu. Now that's where your wrong!" I looked back at him, confused. "If you get away with murder, we will bring back Kokichi's memories of you! Aaannnnnd! We'll throw in that kokichi will get to survive with you! If you get away with it that is." They snickered in unison again.

"I-i-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I would get to win danganronpa... And get my Kokichi back...

"Oh did I forget to mention?"


"If no one else commits murder, aannd you don't commit it either...

We'll execute Kokichi."

Don't you remember us? - Pregame Shuichi X Ingame KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now