Ch. 5 🍯

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2 weeks later...

Sèlah POV

It's been two weeks since I heard from Nick & I'm worried about him

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It's been two weeks since I heard from Nick & I'm worried about him. He really thought I was cheating on him but I actually wasn't. After what happened backstage I just went straight to my mothers house to pick up Nick Jr.  and Celestía and left to my other house on the hills to get away from everyone and everything for a while.

While I was getting little Nick into bed, my phone was ringing

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While I was getting little Nick into bed, my phone was ringing. I picked it up to see who was calling and it was Pop, I quickly declined the call and turned my phone off. I haven't spoken to him since that night. It's not his fault though, it's mine. I should've waited or whatever so none of that would've happened they way it did.

Snapping me out of my thoughts little nick called my name "mommy why are we not home with daddy? Did you guys get into a fight? I miss daddy" I honestly had nothing to say to him. It's been two weeks and Nick hasn't called to check on the kids or anything. I tried calling him numerous times and he sent me straight to voicemail. "MOMMY" my son yelled snapping me out of my thoughts again. "Listen daddy and I had a little disagreement, we left because mommy needs to clear her head but we'll be back home tomorrow okay and I'm gonna try to call daddy for you okay" I spoke to my baby trying to hold back my tears. He only nodded his head and said okay.

After getting nick situated in bed, I went to go feed  check on Celestía and she was sound asleep. I then went to the kitchen to get me a glass of red wine. While sitting on my counter I turned my phone back on just for me to have numerous texts from pop, the girls, my brothers and ybn. I honestly don't feel like answering any of them because I need my space so I turned my phone back off, cleaned the dishes, then turned off the lights and started to head upstairs to the bathroom....

After doing my hygiene I went to my room, put on my lavender and chamomile scented body lotion, then went to my closet to grab some pajamas but I stopped when I heard the doorbell ringing and somebody knocking on my door. I'm not expecting any company because I turned my location off so nobody can find me....

Going to the front door I look through the peep hole to see who's at my door but it's covered up. I immediately go check on both of my babies and they are both sound asleep in their beds. I quickly shut the door and go in my room to grab my Ak & my pistol and quietly make my way downstairs...

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