Victor x Reader part 2

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Apologies for the late update but my brain refuses to work with me ;-; I couldn't get my Wu Chang fanfic done on time so here's our baby boi again uwu The story was actually full on angst but I decided to add some fluff to it so I hope you guys would enjoy-


Life in Oletus Manor wasn't exactly all rainbows and sunshine. Yes, most of the participants were most likely decent human beings and they tend to mind their own business unless their friends were in trouble but there were also people like Freddy, Servais and Kreacher. They were the main examples of a person that anyone could easily detest without trying. Unlike the magician or thief, they were more tolerable but Freddy was the worse compared to those two survivors.

It was already hard for anyone to approach especially when it was revealed by Emma that he was the reason why her father got scammed and he made no attempts to hide this fact, adding fuel to the fire as well by stating that her father should not have believed such a blatant lie in the first place. To make the other residents to find him more revolting, during matches, the lawyer would constantly pick on either Helena or (Y/N) since he found them to be annoying to deal with due to the fact that they were disabled. Recently, he had decided to change his target, laying his eyes on the florist since they were oftenly teamed up for matches to both their displeasure.

"Hmph. I believe that mute should just sacrifice herself for her teammates. She shouldn't decode but keep the hunter distracted until she drops." Freddy purposely grumbles loud enough for those sitting near him to hear, since the only other survivors were Victor and Servais, he didn't have any problems to voice out his insensitive comments which he should have kept it to himself. "I agree. There's no better job for her other than to die for the sake of her teammates. I cannot understand what's going through her mind whenever she chooses to decode instead." The magician agrees without a single doubt when all those words coming from their mouth were nothing but false claims.

As much as Victor would love to stand up for (Y/N), his argument would definitely lead to a bigger mess without a doubt since both the magician and lawyer were very entitled to their opinions even if it meant that their reputation in the manor was already bad enough. Their pointless comments went on deaf ears to the female survivor since she was used to it way before she arrived at the manor but Victor couldn't help but fidget in his seat, being more affected by their words than the victim herself. So in order to reassure her that she was doing just fine, he tapped light on her shoulders to get her attention, showing her a small piece of paper with his thoughts written on them.

"Please do not feel discouraged by their comments. Don't take their words to heart. Don't listen to what they are saying too. Freddy and Servais do not know how valuable you truly are to the team. You can do any job you prefer and I am certain that you will do better even if they combine both their work together! If you feel troubled please feel free to tell me, I'll lend my ear for you to rant and if the problem can be fixed, I'll do my best to help!" The thin line which was formed on her lips soon turned into a smile after reading Victor's encouraging messages. "Gosh that's so nice of you Victor, worry not! Their words barely affect me at all. In the end they're just wasting their breath on me."

Victor always wondered where she had received her strength from, surely, it must be exhausting to deal with such terrible people from time to time even if it wasn't common. He could only understand what she must have gone through to a certain extent since he had received the same treatment for being so quiet and if being silent was already enough to get him into unnecessary troubles as a kid, it must have been worse for someone who doesn't even have a voice at all. No, she really did experience far more things worse than he did as he recalls the past memory she has shared with him. It was painful for her but she stated it was all in the past.

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