Chapter 6- Clarks perspective. Clark?

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I hear a noise, a person. A familiar voice, as I am in the middle a screwing my best friend Ashleigh! I turn my head around to see that it was Josh and Tristan, a boy I had never really talked to. Josh's face gets pale than a tint of green as if he was going to vomit. Before I knew it, Josh had fallen; Hitting his head against the stone floor! I pull out, allowing me and Ash both to put back on are pants. Tristan immediately goes down with him and grabs Josh's head. "Is he alright." I asked, awaiting an answer. Tristan replies with an attitude as of I had done something wrong "Clearly he is unconscious"! Ashleigh bypassed me as she went to go aid Josh. I am standing all alone whole they pay attention to that kid over there. He isn't even that hot! Why do they rush to him. I am hurt to! I didn't even get to finish with Ashleigh! She just had to go and help that slut! Even though I slept with him a couple of times doesn't mean I am gay, just horny! Did he think we were something more! I walk over to see what is wrong with him. "I need your help getting him home" Tristan said to me, I guess he was hoping I would help. "He will wake up soon enough" I replied with a smirk growing rapidly on my face. Ashleigh looked at me with a face that completely made me want her even more but I think it was a face that was supposed to make me feel bad, as if she actually wanted me to carry him home. I loudly sighed than slowly picked Josh up and laid him on my shoulders. "Let's go" I ordered everyone as I walked out of the classroom and towards the street. The way home was quiet. I assume Tristan was checking me out and Ashleigh was just planning on what she was planning on doing to me tonight! When we got to Josh's house I walked straight inside. Luckily his mom wasn't home, I wouldn't wanna make this awkward between me and Ashleigh...maybe I should have not had sex with her after I had sex with Josh...Maybe. I brought Josh to his room than dropped him on the floor! "Kay let's go Ashleigh"! I ordered her as I started walking away. "No! You can go but Josh is my friend and I am staying until he wakes up"! She explained...explained pretty loudly. "Fine! Be like that"! I screamed back at her as I left the house and wondered out and about onto the street. "Didn't even like you anyway's". I mumbled to myself. I start walking to the school, the sun was setting. An orange tint accented the streets. Until it became dark and the street lights turned on. I take the long way as I feel it will clear my head. As I get closer to the school I notice three men looking around. One two old, one young. I recognize the young one from somewhere but I cannot remember. I get closer but maintain my distance. I manage to stay hidden even though I am wearing bright colors, none of the men notice me. I get closer so close I could hear them talk. "The kid was in here"! The young guy explained as he pointed into the hallway we were located. They all make there way inside. I quickly and discreetly follow them. Trying to listen on what they where saying "The kid was here"? One of the creepy looking old men asked as he pointed out a blood splatter on the ground. I never knew he bleed, I didn't even see that? "Yes"! The young guy replied. A light appeared at the other end of the hallway "Hey you, what are you guys doing here?! This is a police investigation". The man holding the flashlight said as he got closer the the group of guys. "You should get out of here before I have to give you a ticket or send you to jail". The man with the flashlight stated. I am going to call the man with the flash light Flashy! As Flashy got even closer the one of the old men walked up to him as if he was going to talk. "Sir you are-" All of a sudden I heard a snap! The sound of the old man snapping his wrist forcing him to go to his knee's! The old man pulled out some of Flashy's hair then shoved it in the man's mouth, he immediately pulled his knife out of his pocket as his friends ran up and forced Flashy to the ground. Struggling Flashy tried to get them off of him but failed. The old man mow sitting on him slit his wrists side ways over and over again on both wrists. Flashy started screaming and crying. With one quick swoop the old man lifted his hand which held the knife and swung down slicing three fingers off, he than quickly stabs Flashy I'm the stomach so he could grab all the three fingers with both hands. The old man put one finger in his own mouth than did the same with Flashy, forcing him to chew on his own fingers as he proceeded to swallow! Tears rushing down Flashy face as he was in a tremendous amount of pain! The old man quickly stabs Flashy in the head, finally killing him...he wants dome though, he grabbed his knife out of Flashy's head as the other old man and teenager got up and walked towards the room we were recently in. The old man still on top of Flashy starts cutting his stomach a bit more causing blood to spill out. The old man rubs his fingers in the blood than begins to undo his pants! I look away scared that I was going to see the old man rape a dead man and use the blood as a lube so I ran away, I ran towards the field not realizing there was a window...the teenager and other old man have just seen me! I kept running until I ran out of breathe. I leaned against a light pole in hope of resting. I pull out my IPhone, I try and call the police but my phone had always dies! When I look up and away from my phones dead screen I see a black van driving towards me. As it got closer I started to see a was a man who looked about to be I'm hid seventies. I started to speed walk away from the van but it just got closer and closer. I tried to run but my body can't take anymore running! As the car caught up to me I noticed it wasn't any of the men that were at the school. I was happy it want any of them but still scared of what I just had witnessed. I started walking towards Josh's house in hopes of using their phones to call the police and to warn them of what I just saw. The sun started to rise sparking an orange-ish tint to the street. As I got closer to Josh's house I hear a car. I look back and I see a fist going straight to my face! I had no time to react, the fist hit my face so hard I fell straight to the ground. "You saw everything! I regret to I don't regret it but you must die now"! The familiar teenage boy said as he took the knife the old man was holding out beside him and stabbed me in both arms than the head., I hear nothing, a brief moment of pain than nothing!

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