t w o ; our youth

173 10 7

s u m m e r 2 0 1 9
lee juyeon.


do you remember our first encounter?

it was three years ago.

you were basically a kid back then.

so innocent and bright.

running through the school hallways,

getting detention almost everyday,

your never ending consumption of chocolate milk.

do you miss those days?

our little trips to your favourite cafe after school.

when i purposely passed by your class.

those moments when i helped you with your biology homework.

when we danced together during our school's fall festival.

oh, and that time when i caught you sneaking your love letter in my locker.

you were so flustered.

literally ran like your life depended on it.

so, tell me.

how can i forget you?

when the memories we made were too beautiful.

how could i hate you?

when you're the person who taught me love.

sohn eric,

i'll beg to the skies.

i'd get on my knees until it bruises.

i won't give up even if it was a second.

so, if you think i'll stop.

gosh, you sure are a big dumbass.

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