f o u r ; dream in a dream

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w i n t e r 2 0 2 0
lee juyeon.

we were in front of the sunset

as the spring breeze blew your locks.

our eyes shone from the bright sun,

laughing to stupid jokes.

your laughter made my heart skip a beat.

just you and me.

as you leaned your head on my shoulder.

interlocking our hands together,

while i play with your hair with my other.

our comfortable silence was broke when you asked.

"hyung?" you looked into my eyes with glimmers.

"hm?" i hummed softly giving you a response.

"what's your dream?"

i gasped dramatically.

"oh my god you're such a bad boyfriend!" i said looking sarcastically betrayed which made you laugh cheekily.

"oh come on! we both know that's not it!" you said as your eyes smile.

"what do you think i'm majoring cardiology for, huh?" i playfully pushed you away, pouting.

"ah~ hyung-ah~ my juyeon~" you cooed making me chuckle.

i looked at the sky while you looked at me with curious eyebrows.

"a writer, perhaps?" i faced my left side to see you with loving soft eyes.

that's how you look at me, huh?

you grabbed my hand and intertwined them with yours, proceeding to look at the setting sun.

"you're a bad boyfriend for not telling me" you seemed upset.

i laid my head on your shoulder.

"i just thought it wasn't important?"

"how is your dreams not important?" you asked me with a frown.

"hyung! i told you about baseball! and we've been dating for two years! and you didn't even bother telling me" your rose lips pouted making my smile brighter.

i caressed you cheeks, staring at your dark sparkling brown eyes.

"if i could write, i'd write about you."

your pale cheeks was shaded by a pink blush.

how pretty. 

"you're so cool....." your innocent eyes looked at me like a baby.

i giggled, ruffling your head.

"hyung, i—"


i gasped out my sleep.

cold sweats dripping.

my tears started to well.

streaming down my cheeks.

quiet whimpers escaping my mouth

as my body shook out of despair.

whimper turned into loud sobs.

as i clenched my dreaded chest.

i missed you.

but the words that came out from my mouth was,

"i fucking hate you sohn youngjae"

• • •

i forgot that wrote this

spring | juricOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora